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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж24320/2016/4(2)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies
.- Харків
Shìdno-Êvropejsʹkij žurnal peredovih tehnologìj

  1. Title, content.
  2. Information technology

  3. Gogunskii V., Kolesnіkov O., Kolesnіkova K., Lukianov D. "Lifelong learning” is a new paradigm of personnel training in enterprises. - C. 4-10.
  4. Teslia I., Yehorchenkova N., Kataieva Y., Iegorchenkov O. Enterprise information planning – a new class of systems in information technologies of higher educational institutions of Ukraine. - C. 11-23.
  5. Slabchenko O., Sydorenko V., Siebert X. Development of models for imputation of data from social networks on the basis of an extended matrix of attributes. - C. 24-34.
  6. Taranenko Y., Kabanova M. Development of a computer system for generating semantic template of a group of documents by using latent semantic analysis. - C. 35-41.
  7. Industry control systems

  8. Blintsov О. Formation of a reference model for the method of inverse dynamics in the tasks of control of underwater complexes. - C. 42-50.
  9. Lutsenko І., Fomovskaya E., Serdiuk O. Development of executive system architecture of the converting class. - C. 50-58.
  10. Kyshenko V., Ladanyuk A., Sych M., Shkolna O. Non-linear recurrent analysis of the behavior of a complex technological object. - C. 59-65.
  11. Abstract and References. - C. 66-72.
№ 4(2) (82)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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