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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж14678/2015/3<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Вісник фармації
: журнал.- Харків

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Vlasov S. V., Chernykh V. P., Osolodchenko T. P. Synthesis and the antimicrobial activity of ethyl 3-alkyl-2-(alkylthio)-5-methyl-4-oxo-3,4-dihydrothieno(2,3-d)pyrimidine-6-carboxylate derivatives. - C. 3-8.
  4. Kholodnyak S. V., Schabelnyk K. P., Zhernova G. О., Sergeieva T. Yu., Ivchuk V. V., Voskoboynik O. Yu., Kоvalenko S. І., Trzhetsinskii S. D., Okovytyy S. I., Shishkina S. V. Hydrolytic cleavage of the pyrimidine ring in 2-aryl-(1,2,4)triazole(1,5-c)quinazolines: physicо-chemical properties and the hypoglycemiC activity of the compounds synthesized. - C. 9-17.
  5. Golovchenko O. S., Georgiyants V. A., Myhal A. V. Development of the spectrophotometric method for quantitative determination of metronidazole in capsules. - C. 18-22.
  6. Strilets O. P. The study of stability of the combined antihypertensive tablets during storage. - C. 23-27.
  7. Iudina Yu. The study of the calendula flowers extraction process. - C. 28-31.
  8. Isayenko O. Yu. The method for obtaining of the protective pertussis antigen by low-frequency ultrasound. - C. 32-35.
  9. Borshchevsky G. I. Determination of critical parameters of production technology for lesfal. - C. 36-39.
  10. Iakovenko V. K., Khokhlova К. О. Qualification of TLC-equipment used in analysis of the combined herbal medicines. - C. 40-45.
  11. Ievtushenko O. M. The study of approaches to risk management in pharmacy. - C. 46-50.
  12. Trygubchak O. V. Analysis of the assortment of antidiabetic drugs at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. - C. 51-55.
  13. Zdoryk O. A. Development of standard operating procedures and their introduction in compounding pharmacies. - C. 56-59.
  14. Diadiun T. V., Baranova I. I., Lytovchenko A. O. The study of consumer aspects of medical products for diagnosis of pregnancy. - C. 60-62.
  15. Tolochko K. V. Analysis of the domestic market of plant-based medicines. - C. 63-66.
  16. Oleinik S. V. Modern aspects of development and treatment of rhinosinusitis. - C. 67-70.
  17. Yakovleva O., Ilchenko A. The topical issues of clinical pharmacology of clarithromycin. - C. 71-75.
  18. Sevryukov O. V., Volkovoy V. A., Kolisnyk O. V., Sytnik K. M. The study of the antihypoxic action of 1-phenethyl-5,7-dihydro-1H-pyrrolo-(2,3-d)pyrimidin-2,4,6-trione (dezapur) on different models of hypoxia. - C. 76-78.
№ 3 (83)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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