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Землеустрій, кадастр і моніторинг земель
: наук.-виробн. журн..- Київ
Zemleustrìj, kadastr ì monìtorìng zemelʹ

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Землеустрій

  4. Dorosh Y. M. Formation and installation of restrictions (encumbrances) in land use. - C. 3-8.
  5. Stetsyuk M. P. Working drafts of land management as a component of the institutional environment in the area of protection of lands. - C. 9-13.
  6. Atamaniuk O. P. The implementation status and challenges over land utilization projects, providing ecological and economical background on crop rotation and land organization. - C. 14-22.
  7. Земельні відносини

  8. Tretiak A. M., Kurilets R. N., Kovalyshyn O. F. The essence of the management of agricultural land use through the lens of landrights: economic and legal aspects. - C. 23-27.
  9. Dorosh O. S., Loyik H.K. Land-use system and spatial planning in France. - C. 28-31.
  10. Polishchuk V. G. Institutional infrastructure of land mortgage as a component of management development of agricultural land use: foreign experience. - C. 32-36.
  11. Земельний кадастр

  12. Peresolyak V. Y. Aspects of restoring the extent village, town and city councils and administrative-territorial units for state land cadastre. - C. 37-42.
  13. Економіка та екологія землекористування

  14. Druhak V. M. Economic and ecological features of the formation of agricultural land use in terms of new land relations. - C. 43-48.
  15. Lishchuk N. M. Drained lands structure of volyn region as ecological and economic factor : practical aspect. - C. 49-56.
  16. Сторінка молодого вченого

  17. Poltavets A. M. Current issues in preservation of recreational ptential of Kyiv region. - C. 57-63.
  18. Matveev P. M. Questions to predicting soil erosion. - C. 64-69.
  19. Kolesnyk G. M. The influence of land reform on transformation of agricultural land use in the poltava region. - C. 70-78.
№ 4
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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