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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж100715/2021/6(2)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Technology audit and production reserves
.- Харків
Technology audit and production reserves

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Information technologies

  4. Mulesa O., Bilak Y., Kykyna Y., Ferens D. Development of decision approval rules in multichannel decision-making systems. - C. 6–9.
  5. Kostenko V., Bulgakova O., Stelyuk B. Analysis of approaches for identification the ontological model components of the searching system. - C. 10–14.
  6. Kinshakov E., Parfenenko Y., Shendryk V. Comparative analysis of methods for prediction continuous numerical features on big datasets. - C. 15–17.
  7. System and control processes

  8. Fedoriienko V., Koshlan O., Kravchenko S., Shyshatskyi A., Vasiukova N., Trotsko O., Havryliuk O., Sovik O., Alieinik O., Svyryda Y. Development of a methodological approach for processing different types of data in systems of special purpose. - C. 18–24.
  9. Dolzhanskiy А., Bondarenko О., Vusatenko Т. Personnel qualimetric assessment of the consumer information center of insurance organization. - C. 25–29.
  10. Kvasnikov V., Ornatskyi D., Dostavalov V. Development of a method for improving the accuracy of measurement of linear measures of 3D models during via scanning. - C. 30–36.
  11. Poliarus O., Lebedynskyi A., Chepusenko Y., Lyubymova N. Model and method development for determining the completeness of information for remote detection of landmarks for autonomous mobile robots. - C. 37–41.
  12. Tuzyak Y. Comparative analysis of global and national systems for observing, monitoring and forecasting natural disasters and hazards with а view to reducing risk. - C. 41–47.
  13. Nevliudov I., Yanushkevych D., Ivanov L. Analysis of the state of creation of robotic complexes for humanitarian demining. - C. 47–52.
  14. Khrutba A., Morozov V., Khrutba Y., Tkachenko V., Lysak R. Analysis of the state of creation of robotic complexes for humanitarian demining. - C. 53–57.
  15. Abstract and References. - C. 58-70.
№ 6(2) (62)
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