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Пошуковий запит: (<.>K=S100Β<.>)
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Касьянова А. Ю. 
Віддалений психоневрологічний розвиток дітей після хірургічної корекції транспозиції магістральних судин, асоційований з hif-1α та s100β в крові [Електронний ресурс] / А. Ю. Касьянова, В. А. Жовнір, М. В. Маркова, А. М. Воробйова, І. М. Ємець // Український вісник психоневрології. - 2014. - Т. 22, вип. 4. - С. 69-71. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Uvp_2014_22_4_18
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 167.864 Kb    Зміст випуску     Цитування

Ткаченко Я. В. 
S100β як маркер ушкодження головного мозку в неонатальній кардіохірургії при автогемотрансфузіях [Електронний ресурс] / Я. В. Ткаченко, В. А. Жовнір, Г. М. Воробйова // Міжнародний неврологічний журнал. - 2014. - № 7. - С. 42-45. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Mnzh_2014_7_9
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 429.822 Kb    Зміст випуску     Цитування

Seriakova I. 
The value of the S100β marker in patients with COVID-19 [Електронний ресурс] / I. Seriakova // Здоров'я дитини. - 2023. - Т. 18, № 3. - С. 207-213. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Zd_2023_18_3_12
The purpose of the work was to determine the level of S100<$E beta> protein in children with COVID-19 and to investigate the correlation of this neurobiomarker with the severity of COVID-19 and the age of the patients. We conducted a retrospective, cohort, observational, post-registration study. We examined 88 children aged 1 month to 17 years with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 who underwent inpatient treatment at the Kyiv City Children's Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital (Kyiv, Ukraine) in 2021 - 2022. Children were divided according to the course of the disease into two groups: the control group, which had a complicated course of COVID-19, and the main group without complications. We also made a division by age groups: 0 - 12 months, 1 - 6, 6 - 10 and 10 - 17 years. The main laboratory indicators, data of anamnesis and objective examination were taken into account. During the comprehensive routine examination of the patients on the first day of their stay in the hospital, the blood serum was collected for further examination for the level of S100<$E beta> neurobiomarker by enzyme immunoassay. CanAg S100 EIA kit (Fujirebio) with a working measurement range of 1 - 3500 ng/L for S100<$E beta> marker was used. The research was carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki principles. The research protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the institution mentioned in the work. Informed consent of parents and children was obtained. In the study, we used statistical research, analytical methods, and the method of empirical research. Conclusions: a correlation between S100<$E beta> neurobiomarker, age and severity of COVID-19 was revealed. Higher indicators were noted in the group of patients with a complicated course of the disease. A tendency towards a higher level of protein S100 at a younger age was revealed, as well as a linear relationship of neuromarkers with prothrombin index and D-dimer.
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 543.976 Kb    Зміст випуску    Реферативна БД     Цитування
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