Наукова періодика України Судово-медична експертиза

Bachinskiy V. T. 
Modern methods and new trends for forensic medical assessment of electrical current marks / V. T. Bachinskiy, О. Ya. Vanchulyak, I. G. Savka, M. S. Garazdiuk, S. V. Kozlov, E. Ya. Kostenko // Судово-медична експертиза. - 2019. - № 1. - С. 57-59. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/sme_2019_1_15
Introduction: The widespread use of electricity both in industry and everyday life leads to relatively frequent incidents of electrical trauma including fatal cases. It is commonly known that autopsies findings in electrocution deaths are often inconclusive because of lack of specific morphological changes. Most deaths by electricity are usually caused by cardiac rhythm disorder or respiratory arrest [1], which changes is non-specific exclusively for electrocution and may overlap with findings in any case of sudden death. Thus, a local skin lesion, the so-called current mark, continues to be the most important evidence and sometimes the only sign of the influence of electrical current on the body. Specific macro- and microscopic skin changes caused by electric current can be not only reliable signs of electrocution, but in some cases may be a source of information about conductor properties, current conditions etc. Data of this type can be obtained first of all by using additional methods of examinations, in particular the qualitative elemental analysis method, which could be a reliable way to assess the chemical composition of the conductor material. Thus, using the full range of available methods of examination of skin lesion caused by electrical current can improve the capabilities of forensic medical examination of the corpses of people who died from electrical injuries.Introduction: The widespread use of electricity both in industry and everyday life leads to relatively frequent incidents of electrical trauma including fatal cases. It is commonly known that autopsies findings in electrocution deaths are often inconclusive because of lack of specific morphological changes. Most deaths by electricity are usually caused by cardiac rhythm disorder or respiratory arrest [1], which changes is non-specific exclusively for electrocution and may overlap with findings in any case of sudden death. Thus, a local skin lesion, the so-called current mark, continues to be the most important evidence and sometimes the only sign of the influence of electrical current on the body. Specific macro- and microscopic skin changes caused by electric current can be not only reliable signs of electrocution, but in some cases may be a source of information about conductor properties, current conditions etc. Data of this type can be obtained first of all by using additional methods of examinations, in particular the qualitative elemental analysis method, which could be a reliable way to assess the chemical composition of the conductor material. Thus, using the full range of available methods of examination of skin lesion caused by electrical current can improve the capabilities of forensic medical examination of the corpses of people who died from electrical injuries.
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Цитованість авторів публікації:
  • Bachinskiy V.
  • Vanchulyak О.
  • Savka I.
  • Garazdiuk M.
  • Kozlov S.
  • Kostenko E.

  • Бібліографічний опис для цитування:

    Bachinskiy V. T. Modern methods and new trends for forensic medical assessment of electrical current marks / V. T. Bachinskiy, О. Ya. Vanchulyak, I. G. Savka, M. S. Garazdiuk, S. V. Kozlov, E. Ya. Kostenko // Судово-медична експертиза. - 2019. - № 1. - С. 57-59. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/sme_2019_1_15.

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