Наукова періодика України Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics

Ivanov O. N. 
Linear Positive Magnetoresistivity of the Bi1.9Lu0.1Te3 Alloy with Inhomogeneous Micrograined Structure / O. N. Ivanov, M. N. Yaprintsev, R. A. Lyubushkin, O. N. Soklakova // Журнал нано- та електронної фізики. - 2016. - Т. 8, № 4(1). - С. 04033-1-04033-4. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/jnef_2016_8_4%281%29__35
Positive nonsaturating transverse magnetoresistivity (MR) has been observed below room temperature in the Bi1,9Lu0,1Te3 alloy with inhomogeneous micrograined structure. A crossover from parabolic MR ~ B<^>2 dependence in low magnetic fields to linear MR ~ B dependence in high fields was found in the magnetoresistivity curves. The crossover field is shifted to lower magnetic fields as temperature decreases. Within the temperature range of іmetalі type of conductivity, the temperature dependences of the specific electrical resistivity and MR magnitude are determined by the temperature dependence of the carrier mobility due to acoustic phonon scattering. Linear MR can be associated with microstructural inhomogeneity leading to strong electrical disorder of the Bi1,9Lu0,1Te3.Positive nonsaturating transverse magnetoresistivity (MR) has been observed below room temperature in the Bi1,9Lu0,1Te3 alloy with inhomogeneous micrograined structure. A crossover from parabolic MR ~ B<^>2 dependence in low magnetic fields to linear MR ~ B dependence in high fields was found in the magnetoresistivity curves. The crossover field is shifted to lower magnetic fields as temperature decreases. Within the temperature range of іmetalі type of conductivity, the temperature dependences of the specific electrical resistivity and MR magnitude are determined by the temperature dependence of the carrier mobility due to acoustic phonon scattering. Linear MR can be associated with microstructural inhomogeneity leading to strong electrical disorder of the Bi1,9Lu0,1Te3.
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Цитованість авторів публікації:
  • Ivanov O.
  • Yaprintsev M.
  • Lyubushkin R.
  • Soklakova O.

  • Бібліографічний опис для цитування:

    Ivanov O. N. Linear Positive Magnetoresistivity of the Bi1.9Lu0.1Te3 Alloy with Inhomogeneous Micrograined Structure / O. N. Ivanov, M. N. Yaprintsev, R. A. Lyubushkin, O. N. Soklakova // Журнал нано- та електронної фізики. - 2016. - Т. 8, № 4(1). - С. 04033-1-04033-4. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/jnef_2016_8_4(1)__35.

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