Наукова періодика України Галицький лікарський вісник

Maksymchuk N. O. 
The Effect of Single Use of Sorbilact and Its Combination with L-Arginine on the State of the Cardiovascular System in Endogenous Intoxication Syndrome of Purulent-Septic Genesis / N. O. Maksymchuk, V. M. Konovchuk // Галицький лікарський вісник. - 2018. - Т. 25, число 2. - С. 33-34. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/glv_2018_25_2_10
The preparations of polyhydric alcohols, namely sorbitolbased ones, and their combination with adjuvant therapy, namely L-arginine are sufficiently promising for treatment of purulent-septic complications. The systemic nature of their action makes it appropriate to carry out studies of specific effect on the circulatory system, since their wide homeostatic and pharmacodynamic spectrum is beyond doubt for other systems and organs within the "efficiency-safety" algorithm. The objective of the research was to study the effect of combined use of sorbilact and L-arginine on the cardiovascular system of patients with endogenous intoxication syndrome during the period of developing early secondary autoaggression. The study included 117 patients who were divided into the following groups; Group I consisted of 31 patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome; Group II included 27 patients with endogenous intoxication syndrome treated according to 2316 Surviving Sepsis Campaign; Group III comprised 29 patients with endogenous intoxication syndrome who received sorbilact in addition to standard therapy; Group IV included 30 patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome who received standard therapy as well as sorbilact and L-arginine. Co-administration of sorbilact and L-arginine was accompanied by an increase in stroke volume and cardiac output, activation of left ventricular minute work alongside with a moderate decrease in mean arterial pressure and systemic vascular resistance. Conclusions: the application of sorbilact and L-arginine in patients with endogenous intoxication syndrome provides hemodynamic stability.
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Цитованість авторів публікації:
  • Maksymchuk N.
  • Konovchuk V.

  • Бібліографічний опис для цитування:

    Maksymchuk N. O. The Effect of Single Use of Sorbilact and Its Combination with L-Arginine on the State of the Cardiovascular System in Endogenous Intoxication Syndrome of Purulent-Septic Genesis / N. O. Maksymchuk, V. M. Konovchuk // Галицький лікарський вісник. - 2018. - Т. 25, число 2. - С. 33-34. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/glv_2018_25_2_10.

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