Наукова періодика України East European journal of physics

Kulish Yu. V. 
Classification of particles at arbitrary quantity of generations. I. Hadrons / Yu. V. Kulish // East european journal of physics. - 2016. - Vol. 3, Num. 4. - С. 22-33. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/eejph_2016_3_4_4
New classification of particles is proposed. This classification is based on <$E U(N sub f ,~g)~times~SU(3,~c)~times~SU(4,~fs)~times~O(3)>-group, where <$E U(N sub f ,~g) corresponds to the particle generations, SU(3, c) - to the color, SU(4, fs) - to the flavor and the spin (instead of known SU(6, fs)-group), and O(3) - to the orbital excitation with the L-momentum. The <$E N sub f>-number equals the quantity of fermion generations. From the convergence of the integrals corresponding to the Green functions for generalized Dirac equations and the continuity of these functions it follows that the minimal quantity of the <$E N sub f>-number equals six. The homogeneous solutions of derived equations are sums of fields, corresponding to particles with the same values of the spin, the electric charge, the parities, but with different masses. Such particles are grouped into the kinds (families, dynasties) with members which are the particle generations. For example, the electronic kind (<$E e sub 1~=~e>, <$E e sub 2~=~mu>, <$E e sub 3~=~tau>, <$E e sub 4>, <$E e sub 5>, <$E e sub 6>, ), the kind of up-quarks (<$E U sub 1~=~u>), <$E U sub 2~=~c>, <$E U sub 3~=~t>, <$E U sub 4>, <$E U sub 5>, <$E U sub 6 , cdot cdot>), and the kind of down-quarks (<$E D sub 1~=~d>, <$E D sub 2~=~s>, <$E D sub 3~=~b>, <$E D sub 4>, <$E D sub 5>, <$E D sub 6 , cdot cdot>) can exist. Massless neutrino can be one only. The photonic and the gluonic kinds must include massive particles in addition to usual the photon and the gluon. At <$E N sub f~=~6> the nucleons and <$E DELTA (1232)> belong to the <$E 56~times~1~times~20~times~1>-representation. Lagrangians for the generalized Dirac equations of arbitrary order are derived.The hypothesis on quark nature of the leptons is proposed. Leptons are compacted <$E q bar sup 3>-systems. It ensures the equality of modules for the electric charges of the proton and the electron. The classification of particles based on the <$E U(N sub f ,~g)~times~SU(3,~c)~times~SU(4,~fs)~times~O(3)>-group is proposed at arbitrary quantity <$E N sub f> of the quark generations. The <$E U(N sub f ,~g>-group corresponds to the quark generations, the <$E SU(3,~c)>-group describes the color variables, the <$E SU(4,~fs)>-group corresponds to the variables in the spin (s) and flavor (f) spaces, and the O(3)-group describes the orbital excitations of quarks. In consequence of the Pauli principle leptons consist of antiquarks from 3 different generations. Minimal quantity of leptons with definite electric charge equal 20. Excited double charged <$E l sup {- ^ -}>-leptons and <$E l Bar sup ++>-antileptons with the <$E J sup p~=~1 sup + over 2> and <$E J sup p~=~1 sup - over 2> are predicted, respectively. They can be resonances in <$E e sup - ,~pi sup ->, <$E e sup - ,~K sup ->, <$E e sup + ,~pi sup +>, <$E e sup + ,~K sup +>, <$E mu sup - ,~pi sup ->, <$E mu sup - ,~K sup ->, <$E mu sup + ,~pi sup +>, <$E mu sup + ,~K sup +>-systems.
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Цитованість авторів публікації:
  • Kulish Y.

  • Бібліографічний опис для цитування:

    Kulish Yu. V. Classification of particles at arbitrary quantity of generations. I. Hadrons / Yu. V. Kulish // East european journal of physics. - 2016. - Vol. 3, Num. 4. - С. 22-33. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/eejph_2016_3_4_4.

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