Наукова періодика України Доповіді Національної академії наук України

Левашов С. П. 
Экспресс-технология "прямых" поисков и разведки месторождений углеводородов геоэлектрическими методами и перспективы ее применения / С. П. Левашов, Н. А. Якимчук, И. Н. Корчагин // Доповiдi Національної академії наук України. - 2007. - № 1. - С. 116-122. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/dnanu_2007_1_24
Generalized results of geoelectric studies with the FSPEF-VERS technologies using the known oil and gas fields and perspective for hydrocarbons areas in Western Kazakhstan and in Ukraine are given. Some directions where more active use of such technologies can bring effective results in the near future are discussed. It is recommended to include the express-technology of "direct" searching and exploring hydrocarbons concourses by geoelectric methods in the complex of geological-geophysical methods of oil and gas deposits searching and prospecting. Its application in oil and gas fields and perspective areas in Ukraine, as well as on the territory of other states, will allow to raise efficiency of geologic-prospecting process of oil and gas searching and exploring as a whole.The generalized results of geoelectric studies with the FSPEF-VERS technologies on the known oil and gas fields and areas perspective for hydrocarbons in Western Kazakhstan and in Ukraine are given. Some directions, in which a more active use of these technologies can bring the appreciable result in the nearest future, are discussed. It is recommended to include the express-technology of "direct" searching and exploring for the concourses of hydrocarbons by geoelectric methods in the complex of geological-geophysical methods of the searching and prospecting of oil and gas deposits. Its application on the oil and gas fields and the perspective area in Ukraine, as well as on the territory of other states, will allow raising the efficiency of the geological-prospecting process of searching and exploring of oil and gas as a whole.
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Цитованість авторів публікації:
  • Левашов С.
  • Якимчук Н.
  • Корчагин И.

  • Бібліографічний опис для цитування:

    Левашов С. П. Экспресс-технология "прямых" поисков и разведки месторождений углеводородов геоэлектрическими методами и перспективы ее применения / С. П. Левашов, Н. А. Якимчук, И. Н. Корчагин // Доповiдi Національної академії наук України. - 2007. - № 1. - С. 116-122. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/dnanu_2007_1_24.

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