Наукова періодика України Ukrainian food journal

Nakov G. 
Sensor analysis of functional biscuits / G. Nakov, V. Stamatovska, L. Ivanova N. Necinova, S. Damyanova // Ukrainian food journal. - 2016. - Vol. 5, Issue 1. - С. 56-62. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/UFJ_2016_5_1_8
Introduction. The biscuits are important bakery products which are favorable due to lower production costs, convenience and long shelf life. Usually are consumed as a dessert or as a light snack between meals. The classic biscuits have functional properties, so it is necessary to change the composition recipe by adding different functional components. In that context by adding inulin and acacia gum the obtained biscuits are with functional features and then they are sensory assessed. Materials and Methods. This paper is made as sensory evaluation of three types of functional biscuits "Fructi"; "Fructi + Inulin" and "Fructi + Fibregum". The biscuits were assessed by 46 evaluators from R. Macedonia and Bulgaria. Biscuits evaluators assessed according to the following sensory attributes: appearance, structure and breaking, smell, taste and chewable. Results and discussion. It is necessary to know the sensory characteristics of an appropriate product because they determine its quality. From the conducted sensory evaluation of three types of functional biscuits is determined that the with the highest scores in terms of appearance are assessed biscuits "Fructi + Fibregum" (3,45). The same biscuits with highest proportions of points are assessed in terms of the structure and breaking, as well as in terms of smell and taste. In terms of chewing biscuits "Fructi" are rated with a higher number of points (19,3) compared to biscuits "Fructi + Inulin" and "Fructi + Fibregum". With highest total average sensory evaluation are assessed biscuits "Fructi + Fibregum" (16,42). Conclusion. From the conducted sensory analysis can be concluded that the biscuits "Fructi + Fibregum" are featured with the best sensory characteristics.
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Цитованість авторів публікації:
  • Nakov G.
  • Stamatovska V.
  • Necinova L.
  • Damyanova S.

  • Бібліографічний опис для цитування:

    Nakov G. Sensor analysis of functional biscuits / G. Nakov, V. Stamatovska, L. Ivanova N. Necinova, S. Damyanova // Ukrainian food journal. - 2016. - Vol. 5, Issue 1. - С. 56-62. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/UFJ_2016_5_1_8.

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