Наукова періодика України Фізика низьких температур

Zubov E. E. 
Electron dynamics in the normal state of cuprates: Spectral function, Fermi surface and ARPES data / E. E. Zubov // Физика низких температур. - 2016. - Т. 42, № 11. - С. 1328-1344. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/PhNT_2016_42_11_8
An influence of the electron - phonon interaction on excitation spectrum and damping in a narrow band electron subsystem of cuprates has been investigated. Within the framework of the t - J model an approach to solving a problem of account of both strong electron correlations and local electron - phonon binding with characteristic Einstein mode <$E omega sub 0> in the normal state has been presented. In approximation Hubbard-I it was found an exact solution for the polaron bands. We established that in the low-dimensional system with a pure kinematic part of Hamiltonian a complicated excitation spectrum is realized. It is determined mainly by peculiarities of the lattice Green's function. In the definite area of the electron concentration and hopping integrals a correlation gap may be possible on the Fermi level. Also, in specific cases it is observed a doping evolution of the Fermi surface. We found that the strong electron - phonon binding enforces a degree of coherence of electron - polaron excitations near the Fermi level and spectrum along the nodal direction depends on wave vector module weakly. It corresponds to ARPES data. A possible origin of the experimentally observed kink in the nodal direction of cuprates is explained by fine structure of the polaron band to be formed near the mode <$E - omega sub 0>.
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  • Zubov E.

  • Бібліографічний опис для цитування:

    Zubov E. E. Electron dynamics in the normal state of cuprates: Spectral function, Fermi surface and ARPES data / E. E. Zubov // Физика низких температур. - 2016. - Т. 42, № 11. - С. 1328-1344. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/PhNT_2016_42_11_8.

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