Наукова періодика України Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu

Mladetsky I. K. 
The control regularity detection of the useful mineral extraction from the ore feed stream with autogenous grinding. Part 1. Correlation analysis / I. K. Mladetsky, Ya. G. Kuvaiev, N. S. Pryadko // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2018. - № 4. - С. 59-65. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2018_4_10
Purpose. For an operator exception out of a concentration process control circuit to identify the patterns that determine the indicative events characterizing the process state along the control channel "useful mineral content in the ore - useful mineral content in a concentrate" in an ore - concentrating plant with autogenous grinding (AG). Methodology. Correlation analysis of the control object parameters: the technological process at the concentrating plant with AG. Findings. According to the type and parameters of the correlation functions between the useful mineral content in the feedstock and concentrate, a number of indicative events characterizing the process state along the control channel "useful mineral content in the ore-useful mineral content in the concentrate" were identified. Originality. The control regularities of concentration process control by comparing the numerical values of the decay time and the equivalent retardation of the autocorrelation and correlation functions of the total iron content and the time constant of the technological line with AG are revealed for the first time. Practical value. The obtained results can be used to construct an automatic system for situational management of ferrous and non-ferrous ores concentrating process, both at separate sections with AG, and at plants including these sections.
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Цитованість авторів публікації:
  • Mladetsky I.
  • Kuvaiev Y.
  • Pryadko N.

  • Бібліографічний опис для цитування:

    Mladetsky I. K. The control regularity detection of the useful mineral extraction from the ore feed stream with autogenous grinding. Part 1. Correlation analysis / I. K. Mladetsky, Ya. G. Kuvaiev, N. S. Pryadko // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2018. - № 4. - С. 59-65. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2018_4_10.

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