Наукова періодика України Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu

Mizernaya M. 
Basic guidelines for East Kazakhstan schungite using / M. Mizernaya, A. A. Khairullina, Z. I. Chernenko, E. V. Teut // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 5-12. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2017_3_3
Purpose. Improvement of strength properties of concrete and corrosion properties of fine carbonaceous materials shungite. Methodology. Field studies within the Bakyrchik ore field in Eastern Kazakhstan, sampling shungite rocks to determine the chemical composition and distribution patterns of the main minerals and impurities were applied. Electron microscopical studies of cement stone formation there were used. Research studies were carried out concerning the impact of shungite additive on endurance of cement stone against corrosion due to the impact of shungite powder on density of cement stone. Findings. Shungite concentrates obtained from shungites of Bakyrchik deposit are promising for use as fillers of anticorrosion concrete, paints and varnishes. Integrated use of gold-and shungite raw materials opens up new prospects for the economic development of unique reserves of gold-fields of East Kazakhstan and stocks shungite not used yet. Originality. It was proved that shungite powder used as a pigment and filling material improved anticorrosive properties of varnish-and-paint materials. Practical value. This will significantly reduce the amount of man-made waste containing contaminants and polluting the air, soil and groundwater in the areas of development of gold deposits. The importance of the study is proved by shortage of new construction materials with anticorrosion properties. These studies will make it possible to create entirely new materials with desired properties for the construction industry in Kazakhstan.
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Цитованість авторів публікації:
  • Mizernaya M.
  • Khairullina A.
  • Chernenko Z.
  • Teut E.

  • Бібліографічний опис для цитування:

    Mizernaya M. Basic guidelines for East Kazakhstan schungite using / M. Mizernaya, A. A. Khairullina, Z. I. Chernenko, E. V. Teut // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 5-12. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2017_3_3.

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