Наукова періодика України Geodesy, cartography and aerial photography

Savchyn I. 
Dnister PSPP control GNSS network оptimization / I. Savchyn, M. Duma // Geodesy, cartography and aerial photography. - 2016. - Вип. 84. - С. 17-24. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Geodez_2016_84_4
Goal. The development of conceptual frameworks and proposals to optimize the geometry of Dnister PSPP control GNSS network and to identify ways to improve the accuracy of GNSS measurements. Methodology. To select optimal geometric deployment of new and to clarify the position of existing points of Dnister PSPP control GNSS network it was developed a special methodology of optimizing the geometric configuration of the network. It foresees detecting of points position at which the value of optimization criteria will be minimal. As optimization criterion it was used the determinant of covariance matrix. Results. A methodology for optimizing the geometric network configuration using mathematical modeling was devised. As a result of the in-field inspection of points as well as detailed analysis conducted and processed measurements there were highlighted three key challenging groups of points of Dnister PSPP control GNSS network: points with poor reception of satellite signal; points centered using a tripod; points damaged during construction works. In order to improve rigidity and accuracy of Dnister PSPP control GNSS network it is necessary: to exclude the application of 4 GNSS measuring points (Portal-2, Nyzhniy, OZS-1-1 and OZS-23-2); to strengthen 4 points (GZ-10, GZ-11A, GZ-11B and GZ-12) with joint satellite angular and linear measurements; to replace 4 existing points (PP-221, PP-100, Obryv and OGZ-1) and set new 4 points (GZ-21, GZ-22, GZ-23 and GZ-24). To install the new points four areas were determined and they need monitoring. Optimization of Dnister PSPP control GNSS network using the devised methodology resulted in improved accuracy (by 8,3 - 10,0 %) depending on the amount of used GNSS receivers. Scientific novelty and practical significance. A new methodology of optimizing the geometric network configuration using mathematical modeling is proposed. Using this methodology Dnister PSPP control GNSS network was optimized. The methodology can also be applied to optimize other geodetic monitoring networks.
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Цитованість авторів публікації:
  • Savchyn I.
  • Duma M.

  • Бібліографічний опис для цитування:

    Savchyn I. Dnister PSPP control GNSS network оptimization / I. Savchyn, M. Duma // Geodesy, cartography and aerial photography. - 2016. - Вип. 84. - С. 17-24. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Geodez_2016_84_4.

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