Наукова періодика України Experimental oncology

Giesel F. L. 
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound monitoring of perfusion changes in hepatic neuroendocrine metastases after systemic versus selective arterial 177lu/90y-dotatoc and 213bi-dotatoc radiopeptide therapy / F. L. Giesel, P. Flechsig, T. Kuder, L. Schwartz, S. Wulfert, C. Zechmann, F. Bruchertseifer, U. Haberkorn, C. Kratochwil // Experimental oncology. - 2013. - Vol. 35, № 2. - С. 122-126. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/EOL_2013_35_2_13
Aim - radiopeptide therapy with beta emitter labeled 177Lu/90Y - DOTA(0)-Phe(1)-Tyr(3)-octreotide (DOTATOC) and more recently also alpha emitting 213Bi-DOTATOC are promising new treatments for neuroendocrine tumors. No early predictors for treatment response have been recognized and tumor-shrinkage after radiation therapy appears slowly. In some solid tumors a decline in tumor perfusion was found predictive of final treatment response but the gold standard multiphase computed tomography (CT) has a high radiation burden. Therefore we evaluated the ability of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) to evaluate tumor perfusion as a response criteria. 14 patients with hepatic neuroendocrine tumor (NET) metastases were enrolled in the retrospective study. Eleven patients were treated with beta-emitting 177Lu/90Y-DOTATOC, either intravenous (i.v.) (n = 5) or intra-arterial (i.a.) (n = 6) and three patients received alpha-emitting 213Bi-DOTATOC (i.a.). CEUS and contrast-enhanced CT (CE-CT) were performed before and 3 months after treatment. CE-CT and CEUS presented comparable results in the baseline study and in the assessment of perfusion changes due to the different treatment regimes. A therapy related decrease in tumor perfusion is an early predictor of longterm morphologic response. Conclusion: CEUS is available and radiation free technique which showed comparable results for perfusion and diameter of liver metastases compared to CE-CT. Intensity reduction in an arterial phase CEUS can be seen as a positive sign indicating long term tumor response to treatment. Therefore CEUS may be considered as an imaging modality for monitoring early treatment after focal alpha and beta targeted therapy.
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Цитованість авторів публікації:
  • Giesel F.
  • Flechsig P.
  • Kuder T.
  • Schwartz L.
  • Wulfert S.
  • Zechmann C.
  • Bruchertseifer F.
  • Haberkorn U.
  • Kratochwil C.

  • Бібліографічний опис для цитування:

    Giesel F. L. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound monitoring of perfusion changes in hepatic neuroendocrine metastases after systemic versus selective arterial 177lu/90y-dotatoc and 213bi-dotatoc radiopeptide therapy / F. L. Giesel, P. Flechsig, T. Kuder, L. Schwartz, S. Wulfert, C. Zechmann, F. Bruchertseifer, U. Haberkorn, C. Kratochwil // Experimental oncology. - 2013. - Vol. 35, № 2. - С. 122-126. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/EOL_2013_35_2_13.

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