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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 69
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Studenyak I. P. 
On the Urbach rule in SbSI ferroelectric crystal [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, M. Kranjcec, B. M. Koperlyos // Ukrainian journal of physical optics. - 2009. - Vol. 10, № 2. - С. 61-70. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/UJPO_2009_10_2_3
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 332.223 Kb    Зміст випуску     Цитування

Studenyak I. P. 
Peculiarities of Raman scattering in nanometric superionic conductors Cu6PS5Br [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, R. Yu. Buchuk, M. Kranjcec, V. O. Stephanovich, V. V. Panko, S. Kokenyesi // Ukrainian journal of physical optics. - 2009. - Vol. 10, № 3. - С. 150-156. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/UJPO_2009_10_3_6
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 210.737 Kb    Зміст випуску     Цитування

Studenyak I. P. 
Temperature studies of Urbach absorption edge in implanted Cu6PS5Br crystals [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, V. Yu. Izai, V. V. Panko, P. Kus, A. Plecenik // Ukrainian journal of physical optics. - 2010. - Vol. 11, № 3. - С. 175-184. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/UJPO_2010_11_3_8
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 651.814 Kb    Зміст випуску     Цитування

Studenyak I. P. 
Low-temperature luminescence in Cu6PS5Br superionic crystals [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, M. Kranjcec, V. V. Bunda, Yu. M. Azhniuk, Gy. S. Kovacs, V. V. Panko // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Сер. : Фізика. - 1998. - Вип. 3. - С. 57-59. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvuufiz_1998_3_16
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 214.431 Kb    Зміст випуску     Цитування

Kovács Gy. Sh. 
Influence of β-radiation on optical absorption edge in Cu6PS5I crystals [Електронний ресурс] / Gy. Sh. Kovács, I. P. Studenyak, V. V. Panko, O. A. Mykajlo, V. V. Mitrovcij, A. G. Okunyev, A. M. Fradkin // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Сер. : Фізика. - 2000. - Вип. 8(2). - С. 239-242. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvuufiz_2000_8(2)__12
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 403.546 Kb    Зміст випуску     Цитування

Kopcansky P. 
Morphology and dielectric properties of polymer dispersed liquid crystal with magnetic nanoparticles [Електронний ресурс] / P. Kopcansky, M. Timko, Z. Mitrova, V. Zavisova, M. Koneracka, N. Tomasovicova, L. Tomco, O. P. Gornitska, O. V. Kovalchuk, V. M. Bykov, T. M. Kovalchuk, I. P. Studenyak // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2010. - Vol. 13, № 4. - С. 343-348. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2010_13_4_4
It has been shown that introduction of magnetic nanoparticles (MN) of various shapes with the concentration 10<^>-1 wt. % into polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) causes two effects: the size of liquid crystal droplets decreases, and the amount of the latter with through holes increases. MN increase the effective value of permittivity by more than one order within the frequency range 10<^>-1 - 10<^>2 Hz, as well as the electron and ion components of conductivity. MN reduce the exponent in the frequency dependence of the electron component of conductivity. The changes caused by the presence of the nanoparticles quantitatively depend on their shape.
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 252.957 Kb    Зміст випуску    Реферативна БД     Цитування

Studenyak I. P. 
Optical absorption edge and luminescence in phosphorous-implanted Cu6PS5X (X = I, Br) single crystals [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, V. Yu. Izai, V. O. Stephanovich, V. V. Panko, P. Kus, A. Plecenik, M. Zahoran, J. Gregus, T. Roch // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2011. - Vol. 14, № 3. - С. 287-293. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2011_14_3_6
Implantation of Cu6PS5X (X = I, Br) single crystals was carried out for different values of fluence with using P<^>+ ions; the energy of ions was 150 keV. For the implanted Cu6PS5X crystals, the structural studies were performed using the scanning electron microscopy technique and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Spectrometric studies of optical absorption edge and luminescence were carried out within the temperature range 77 - 320 K. The influence of ionic implantation on luminescence spectra, parameters of Urbach absorption edge, parameters of exciton-phonon interaction as well as ordering-disordering processes in Cu6PS5X (X = I, Br) superionic conductors have been studied.
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 402.15 Kb    Зміст випуску    Реферативна БД     Цитування

Studenyak I. P. 
Optical absorption edge in (Ag3AsS3)x(As2S3)1-x superionic glasses [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, M. Kranjcec, Yu. Yu. Neimet, M. M. Pop // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2012. - Vol. 15, № 2. - С. 147-151. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2012_15_2_8
The spectrometric studies of optical absorption edge in (Ag3AsS3)x(As2S3)1-x superionic glasses were carried out within the temperature range 77 to 400 K. The influence of temperature and composition on the optical absorption edge, parameters of the Urbach absorption edge, parameters of electron-phonon interaction as well as ordering-disordering processes in (Ag3AsS3)x(As2S3)1-x superionic glasses are studied.
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Studenyak I. P. 
Influence of cation substitution on electrical conductivity and optical absorption edge in Cu7(Ge1-xSix)S5I mixed crystals [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, M. Kranjcec, V. V. Bilanchuk, A. Dziaugys, J. Bany, A. F. Orliukas // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2012. - Vol. 15, № 3. - С. 227-231. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2012_15_3_10
Electrical conductivity of Cu7(Ge1-xSix)S5I mixed crystals was measured in the frequency range <$E 1,0~cdot~10 sup 6~-~1,2~cdot~10 sup 9> Hz and in the temperature interval 100 - 300 K. The frequency and temperature behaviour of the electrical conductivity were analyzed. The optical absorption edge of Cu7(Ge1-xSix)S5I mixed crystals within the temperature range 77 - 300 К was studied. The compositional dependences of the electrical conductivity, activation energy, optical pseudogap and Urbach energy were obtained. The influence of <$E roman {Ge~symbol О~Si}> cation substitution on the optical absorption processes in the Cu7(Ge1-xSix)S5I mixed crystals is investigated.Cu6(P1-xAsx)S5I mixed crystals were grown using chemical vapour transport. Temperature isoabsorption investigations of optical absorption edge enable to reveal anomalies typical for the first- and second-order phase transitions as well as to construct the x, T-diagram. The spectrometric measurements of the optical absorption edge in Cu6(P1-xAsx)S5I superionic mixed crystals were carried out within the temperature range 77 - 320 K. The influence of temperature and composition on optical absorption edge, parameters of exciton-phonon interaction as well as ordering-disordering processes in Cu6(P1-xAsx)S5I superionic mixed crystals have been studied.(Cu1-xAgx)7SiS5I mixed crystals were grown using the vertical zone crystallization method, they have been shown to crystallize in cubic structure (<$EF 4 Bar 3m>). The diffuse reflection spectra for the powders of (Cu1-xAgx)7SiS5I mixed crystals were measured at room temperature. Refractive indices and extinction coefficients for (Cu1-xAgx)7SiS5I mixed crystals were obtained from spectral ellipsometry measurements. A nonlinear decrease of the energy pseudogap and a nonlinear behavior with the maximum of refractive index have been revealed with increasing the Ag content. The dispersion of refractive indices of (Cu1-xAgx)7SiS5I has been described in the framework of different models.Керамічні зразки на основі мікрокристалічних порошків (Cu1-xAgx)7GeSe5I (x = 0, 0,25, 0,5, 0,75, 1) виготовлено шляхом їх пресування за тиску ~ 400 МПа з наступним відпалом за температурти 873 К протягом 36 год. З використанням методу мікроструктурного аналізу визначено розміри кристалітів одержаних керамік. Дослідження електропровідності керамічних матеріалів (Cu1-xAgx)7GeSe5I проведено за допомогою методу імпедансної спектроскопії у частотному діапазоні <$E10~-~3~cdot~10 sup 5> Гц та у температурному інтервалі 293 - 383 К. За результатами аналізу частотної залежності електропровідності на діаграмах Найквіста визначено внески іонної та електронної компонент електропровідності, а також їх співвідношення. Термоактиваційний характер електропровідності підтверджено на основі лінійності температурних залежностей її компонент в арреніусівських координатах. Побудовано відповідні концентраційні залежності іонної та електронної компонент електропровідності та їх енергій активації. Встановлено, що вони носять нелінійний характер, який пояснюється складним процесом рекристалізації та заміщенням <$Eroman Cu sup + symbol Л~roman Ag sup +> у межах катіонної підгратки.
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Studenyak I. P. 
Influence of cation substitution on phase transition and optical absorption edge in Cu6(P1-xAsx)S5I mixed crystals [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, M. Kranjcec, M. I. Kayla, V. Yu. Izai, A. F. Orliukas // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2013. - Vol. 16, № 2. - С. 146-151. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2013_16_2_11
Electrical conductivity of Cu7(Ge1-xSix)S5I mixed crystals was measured in the frequency range <$E 1,0~cdot~10 sup 6~-~1,2~cdot~10 sup 9> Hz and in the temperature interval 100 - 300 K. The frequency and temperature behaviour of the electrical conductivity were analyzed. The optical absorption edge of Cu7(Ge1-xSix)S5I mixed crystals within the temperature range 77 - 300 К was studied. The compositional dependences of the electrical conductivity, activation energy, optical pseudogap and Urbach energy were obtained. The influence of <$E roman {Ge~symbol О~Si}> cation substitution on the optical absorption processes in the Cu7(Ge1-xSix)S5I mixed crystals is investigated.Cu6(P1-xAsx)S5I mixed crystals were grown using chemical vapour transport. Temperature isoabsorption investigations of optical absorption edge enable to reveal anomalies typical for the first- and second-order phase transitions as well as to construct the x, T-diagram. The spectrometric measurements of the optical absorption edge in Cu6(P1-xAsx)S5I superionic mixed crystals were carried out within the temperature range 77 - 320 K. The influence of temperature and composition on optical absorption edge, parameters of exciton-phonon interaction as well as ordering-disordering processes in Cu6(P1-xAsx)S5I superionic mixed crystals have been studied.(Cu1-xAgx)7SiS5I mixed crystals were grown using the vertical zone crystallization method, they have been shown to crystallize in cubic structure (<$EF 4 Bar 3m>). The diffuse reflection spectra for the powders of (Cu1-xAgx)7SiS5I mixed crystals were measured at room temperature. Refractive indices and extinction coefficients for (Cu1-xAgx)7SiS5I mixed crystals were obtained from spectral ellipsometry measurements. A nonlinear decrease of the energy pseudogap and a nonlinear behavior with the maximum of refractive index have been revealed with increasing the Ag content. The dispersion of refractive indices of (Cu1-xAgx)7SiS5I has been described in the framework of different models.Керамічні зразки на основі мікрокристалічних порошків (Cu1-xAgx)7GeSe5I (x = 0, 0,25, 0,5, 0,75, 1) виготовлено шляхом їх пресування за тиску ~ 400 МПа з наступним відпалом за температурти 873 К протягом 36 год. З використанням методу мікроструктурного аналізу визначено розміри кристалітів одержаних керамік. Дослідження електропровідності керамічних матеріалів (Cu1-xAgx)7GeSe5I проведено за допомогою методу імпедансної спектроскопії у частотному діапазоні <$E10~-~3~cdot~10 sup 5> Гц та у температурному інтервалі 293 - 383 К. За результатами аналізу частотної залежності електропровідності на діаграмах Найквіста визначено внески іонної та електронної компонент електропровідності, а також їх співвідношення. Термоактиваційний характер електропровідності підтверджено на основі лінійності температурних залежностей її компонент в арреніусівських координатах. Побудовано відповідні концентраційні залежності іонної та електронної компонент електропровідності та їх енергій активації. Встановлено, що вони носять нелінійний характер, який пояснюється складним процесом рекристалізації та заміщенням <$Eroman Cu sup + symbol Л~roman Ag sup +> у межах катіонної підгратки.
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Studenyak I. P. 
Raman scattering studies of composites based on Cu6PS5X (X = I, Br) superionic nanocrystals [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, M. Kranjcec, R. Yu. Buchuk, V. O. Stephanovich, S. Kokenyesi // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2013. - Vol. 16, № 3. - С. 259-264. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2013_16_3_7
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Studenyak I. P. 
Dielectric permittivity of (Ag3AsS3)x(As2S3)1-x superionic glasses and composites [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, Yu. Yu. Neimet, A. F. Orliukas, A. Kezionis, E. Kazakevicius, T. Salkus // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2014. - Vol. 17, № 2. - С. 174-178. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2014_17_2_10
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Studenyak I. P. 
Structural and optical studies of (Ag3AsS3)0. 6(As2S3)0. 4 thin films deposited at different technological conditions [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, Yu. Yu. Neimet, Y. Y. Rati, M. Yu. Buchuk, S. Kokenyesi, L. Daroci, R. Bohdan // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2014. - Vol. 17, № 3. - С. 232-236. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2014_17_3_6
(Ag3AsS3)0,6(As2S3)0,4 thin films were deposited upon a quartz substrate by rapid thermal evaporation at temperatures 1050, 1200, and 1350 C. Structural studies of the as-deposited thin films were carried out by scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. It is shown that the surfaces of all the films were covered with Ag-rich crystalline micrometer sized cones. The optical transmission spectra for as-deposited thin films were studied at room temperature. The absorption spectra in the region of its exponential behaviour were analyzed, the dispersion dependences of refractive index as well as their variation depending on evaporation temperature were investigated.Cu5,5P1,2Se5,0I1,3 thin film was deposited onto silicate glass substrate by nonreactive radio frequency magnetron sputtering. Structural studies were carried out using X-ray diffraction and SEM techniques. Spectrometric studies of transmission spectra of Cu5,5P1,2Se5,0I1,3 thin film in the temperature interval 77 to 300 К were investigated. It is shown that the temperature behaviour of optical absorption edge is described by the Urbach rule. Temperature dependences of optical parameters of the Urbach absorption edge and refractive index have been analyzed. The influence of temperature and structural disordering on the Urbach tail has been studied. The comparison of optical parameters of Cu6PSe5I crystal and Cu5,5P1,2Se5,0I1,3 thin film has been performed.
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Kopcansky P. 
Peculiarities of nonadditive changes in conductivity of nano-PDLC under influence of magnetite and single-wall carbon nanotubes [Електронний ресурс] / P. Kopcansky, M. Timko, Z. Mitrova, N. Tomasovicova, L. Tomco, O. V. Kovalchuk, T. M. Kovalchuk, I. V. Oleinikova, A. I. Lad, I. P. Studenyak // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2014. - Vol. 17, № 4. - С. 384-388. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2014_17_4_15
Studied in this work has been the effect of nanoparticles - magnetite and single-wall carbon nanotubes - separately and together on the conductivity of nematic liquid crystal 6CHBT dispersed in polyvinyl alcohol. Morphology of these films was analyzed using an electron microscope. When using selected technologyof homogenizing the mixture components, there takes place formation of liquid crystals dispersed in the polymer matrix with the average sizes of liquid-crystal droplets close to 500 nm (nano-PDLC). It has been found that simultaneous introduction of magnetite and nanotubes results in lowering the conductivity of nano-PDLC as compared to the total conductivity of nano-PDLC with each kind of nanoparticles separately. It has been suggested that the main mechanism of this effect lies in formation of deep centers for electron capture by complexes with different types of nanoparticles, which leads to a decrease in electronic conductivity through the polymer matrix.
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Studenyak I. P. 
Electric conductivity studies of composites (Cu1-xAgx)6PS5I superionic conductors [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, R. Yu. Buchuk, A. V. Bendak, O. O. Yamkovy, E. Kazakevicius, T. Salkus, A. Kezionis, A. F. Orliukas // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2014. - Vol. 17, № 4. - С. 425-428. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2014_17_4_24
The composites based on superionic (Cu1-xAgx)6PS5I solid solutions were prepared by mixing of microcrystalline powder with polyvinylacetate glue. The temperature and frequency behaviour of the total electric conductivity of composites within the frequency range <$E1,0~cdot~10 sup 6~-~1,2~cdot~10 sup 9> Hz and temperature range 300 to 420 K were investigated. The linear increase of the total electric conductivity with temperature increase was revealed, as well as the influence of Cu <$Esymbol О> Ag cation substitution on electrical properties of (Cu1-xAgx)6PS5I composites was studied.
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Neimet Yu. Yu. 
Structure of Cu6PS5I Nanoceramics Under the Influence of Sintering Conditions [Електронний ресурс] / Yu. Yu. Neimet, I. P. Studenyak, M. Kis-Varga, C. Cserhati, S. Kökényesi // Фізика і хімія твердого тіла. - 2011. - Т. 12, № 3. - С. 715-718. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/PhKhTT_2011_12_3_31
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Studenyak I. P. 
Deposition and Structure (Ag3AsS3)0.6(As2S3)0.4 Thin Films [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, Yu. Yu. Neimet, Y. Y. Rati, O. Ye. Petrachenkov, A. M. Solomon, S. Kökényesi, L. Daróci, R. Bogdán // Фізика і хімія твердого тіла. - 2014. - Т. 15, № 3. - С. 504-509. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/PhKhTT_2014_15_3_11
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Studenyak I. P. 
Temperature studies of optical parameters in (Ag3AsS3)0.6(As2S3)0.4 thin films [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, M. M. Kutsyk, Y. Y. Rati, V. Yu. Izai, S. Kokenyesi, L. Daroci, R. Bohdan // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2015. - Vol. 18, № 2. - С. 188-192. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2015_18_2_16
(Ag3AsS3)0,6(As2S3)0,4 thin films were deposited onto a silica substrate by using rapid thermal evaporation. The surfaces of the films were covered with Ag-rich crystalline micrometer-sized cones. The optical transmission spectra of thin films were studied within the temperature range 77 - 300 K. The absorption spectra in the region of its exponential behaviour were analysed, the dispersion dependences of refractive index as well as the temperature dependences of energy position of absorption edge and Urbach energy were investigated.(Ag3AsS3)0,6(As2S3)0,4 thin films deposited using the thermal evaporation technique onto glass substrates previously covered with layers of gold nanoparticles were studied. Optical transmission spectra of the sandwich structure were studied within the temperature range 77 - 300 K. The absorption spectra in the region of its exponential behaviour were analyzed, the dispersion dependences of refractive index as well as the temperature dependences of the energy pseudogap and Urbach energy were investigated. The disordering processes in the sandwich structure were discussed. The comparative analyses of optical parameters in single (Ag3AsS3)0,6(As2S3)0,4 layer and in the sandwich structure were performed.
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 473.175 Kb    Зміст випуску    Реферативна БД     Цитування

Studenyak I. P. 
Influence of superionic nanoparticles Cu6PS5I on dielectric properties of nematic liquid crystal 6СНВТ [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, P. Yu. Demko, A. V. Bendak, O. V. Kovalchuk, T. M. Kovalchuk, V. Lisy, P. Kopcansky, M. Timko, N. Tomasovicova, V. Zavisova, V. Gdovinova, J. Miskuf, I. V. Oleinikova, A. I. Lad, N. M. Kucheriavchenkova // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2015. - Vol. 18, № 2. - С. 205-208. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2015_18_2_19
Within the frequency range 10... 10<^>6 Hz, the influence of Cu6PS5I nanoparticles on the dielectric properties of planar oriented liquid crystal 6CHBT has been studied. It has been shown that nanoparticles lead to an increase in conductivity, but the conductivity dependence on concentration is non-monotonic function. It has been suggested that the reason of non-monotonic dependence of conductivity of 6CHBT on the concentration of nanoparticles is significant influence of ion adsorption on the nanoparticle surface and increase in the viscosity of liquid crystal when introducing nanoparticles.
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 284.355 Kb    Зміст випуску    Реферативна БД     Цитування

Studenyak I. P. 
Optical studies of as-deposited and annealed Cu7GeS5I thin films [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, A. V. Bendak, S. O. Rybak, V. Yu. Izai, P. Kúš, M. Mikula // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2016. - Vol. 19, № 2. - С. 192-196. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2016_19_2_12
Cu7GeS5I thin films were obtained by non-reactive radio frequency magnetron sputtering onto silicate glass substrates. Optical transmission spectra of as-deposited and annealed Cu7GeS5I thin films were measured in the temperature interval 77 - 300 K. The temperature behaviour of Urbach absorption edge and dispersion of refractive index for as-deposited and annealed Cu7GeS5I thin films was analyzed. Influence of annealing on the optical parameters and disordering processes in Cu7GeS5I thin films was studied.
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 165.042 Kb    Зміст випуску    Реферативна БД     Цитування
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