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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=EJ000082/2021/2/2<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

: elect. j..- Kharkiv

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Boychuk Yu., Kryvoruchko S., Kostikova I. Вступне слово. - C. 6-7.
  4. Cortes M. R., Castro M. T. T., Guayara H. A. Á., Aguilar-Cruz P. J. Class discussions based on cultural aspects to foster the speaking skill among high school students. - C. 10-38.
  5. Holoborodko Yu. Literary features of the comic genre In Arkady Averchenko’s works during his emigration to Europe. - C. 39-55.
  6. Han Zh., Terentieva N. Forms of sports teachers training the system of vocational education in China. - C. 56-70.
  7. Pogrebnyak O. The "white and black” motif in Ukrainian literature and art of the early twentieth century. - C. 71-90.
  8. Prykhodko V., Petrusenko N. The unreal world in the novel by Marc Levy "If only it were true”. - C. 91-104.
  9. Sudliankova V. Traumatized consciousness in Lyudmila Rublewskaya`s novel the Daguerrotype. - C. 105-119.
  10. Xie F., Kalashnyk N. Continuity of the educational process in secondary and higher education institutions in China: citizenship education. - C. 120-135.
  11. Modern fiction

  12. Bagachanskaya V., Safonova T., Safonova Yu. Poetry. About the author Veronica Bagachanskaya. - C. 136-139.
  13. Krapivnyi I., Khomenko H. Psychoanalysis of childhood fears, or behind grandfather Freud’s back in the frame of anxiety / at the stage of phantasms. - C. 140-157.
  14. Varenko T., Rohozha A. Poetry. About Tatyana Varenko’s poetry. - C. 158-159.
Vol. 2
№ 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
Пам`ятка користувача

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