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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Public administration and state security aspects
: electronic collection of scientific papers.- Kharkiv
Public administration and state security aspects

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Sawa-Czajka E. Politics is a woman. - C. 3-16.
  4. Kosukhina K. Mechanism of provision of social services as an essential factor of self-organization of society and civil initiative. - C. 17-25.
  5. Kriukov O., Semiletov O. Organizational and legal mechanism of public administration in the field of environmental security in the context of sustainable development and globalization. - C. 26-33.
  6. Losieva Yu. G. Conceptual approaches to determining the mechanisms of state regulation of social investment. - C. 34-41.
  7. Maistro S., Kropyvnytskyi V., Krykhtina Yu., Treskov A. Directions of transformation of state policy in the context of the need for sectoral integration of Ukraine in the branches and spheres of the European union. - C. 42-52.
  8. Pomaza-Ponomarenko A., Lopatchenko I., Batyr Yu. Gender opportunities implementation steate in Ukraine and worldwide amid covid-19 pandemic and security assurance. - C. 53-61.
  9. Kravchenko Zh. Information security as one of the components of national security of Ukraine. - C. 62-67.
  10. Vladymyrov M., Paliukh V. Application of firearms as one of the means of coordination by the state within the competence of employees of internal affairs. - C. 68-76.
  11. Hren L., Koshkarov Yu. Qualitative professional training of future rescuers as the key to increasing society and state security. - C. 77-87.
  12. Kulinich O. V., Orel Yu. L., Bykovets K. Yu. Typology of social enterprises and systematization of their classification features as a component of the formation of public policy on the development of social entrepreneurship. - C. 88-102.
  13. Koziol W. Bezrobocie jako jeden z powodow dysfunkcjonalnosci rodziny w ocenie pracownikow pomocy spolecznej miasta chelm. - C. 103-128.
  14. Primush R. B. Public administration in national security protection: the USA experience for Ukraine. - C. 129-138.
  15. Staniuk W. Historia powolania national center for forensic science jako przyklad wykorzystania potencjalu naukowo akademickiego. - C. 139-144.
  16. Yakovlev M. Yu., Stryzhak O. Y., Semenko Y. Yu., Yevtushenko I. V. Creation and application of information and analytical systems for the national guard of Ukraine in the interests of the citizens safety ensurance. - C. 145-160.
  17. Pysarevsky S. International experience of public-private partnership in the sphere of logistics security forces. - C. 161-169.
  18. Lysyi А. O. The use of information and communication technologies in the management of local governments. - C. 170-178.
  19. Polyakova N. O. Formation and implementation of modern regional personnel policy. - C. 179-188.
  20. Karpechenkova G. V. Basic methods and principles of formation of the state policy of counteraction to domestic violence. - C. 189-198.
  21. Korotenko D. O. Stages of reforming the institution of local selfgovernment on the example of the Republic of Poland. - C. 199-209.
  22. Balueva O., Arakelova I. Features of assessment of the influence of processes of forced migration on socio-economic development of regions. - C. 210-223.
  23. Solovey D. State policy of social and economic stabilization in the context of declining financial and economic efficiency of enterprises. - C. 224-234.
  24. Purnak V. Social and humanitarian state policy in the educational sphere of the national guard. - C. 235-246.
Vol. 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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