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Public administration and state security aspects
: electronic collection of scientific papers.- Kharkiv
Public administration and state security aspects

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Hrabar N., Leonenko N., Poroka S. Theoretical and applied aspects of public administration in the field of national security of Ukraine: retrospective analysis. - C. 3-9.
  4. Babenko V. Genesis of formation and development of organizational and legal mechanism of public management of social conflicts in Ukraine. - C. 10-21.
  5. Maistro S., Kropyvnytskyi V., Krykhtina Yu. Theoretical and methodological substantiation of scientific definitions "public administration" and "state policy". - C. 22-31.
  6. Karpeko N. Organizational and economic mechanisms of higher education development in market conditions. - C. 32-42.
  7. Lopatchenko I., Batyr Yu., Krutii O. Actual mechanisms for the development of corporate and managerial culture in public administration. - C. 43-50.
  8. Semiletov O. Initiatives and proposals for improving the environmental situation. - C. 51-65.
  9. Grybko O. Countering hybrid threats in the context of changing global environment. - C. 66-74.
  10. Dombrovska S. Methodological principles for determining the essence of state security. - C. 75-82.
  11. Hren L., Chebotarev M. Civil competences of the head of a social institution as an important prerequisite for national security of the country. - C. 83-94.
  12. Mykytyuk Yu. Digitalization of legal policy or legal policy of digitalization: state of implementation and prospects for improvement. - C. 95-105.
  13. Kriukov O. Threats to information society as factor of political and administrative interaction between public administration and communications media in Ukraine. - C. 106-117.
  14. Batyr Yu., Pomaza-Ponomarenko A., Lopatchenko I. State policy on decentralization public authorities of Ukraine. - C. 118-127.
  15. Bizonych D. European experience of housing reform and development: lessons for modern Ukraine. - C. 128-144.
  16. Tohobytska V. Perspectives of development of the organizational and legal mechanisms of public management in socio-economic sphere and digitalization. - C. 145-153.
Vol. 1
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
Пам`ятка користувача

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