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Економічний вісник ДВНЗ "Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет"
: загальнодерж. наук. вид. з питань економіки і бізнесу: зб. наук. пр..- Дніпро
Ekonomichnyi visnyk Derzhavnoho vyshchoho navchalnoho zakladu "Ukrainskyi derzhavnyi khimiko-tekhnolohichnyi universytet"

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Opening speech / Вступне слово

  4. Зайчук О. В. Дорогі читачі та автори збірника наукових праць "Економічний вісник Державного вищого навчального закладу "Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет”!. - C. 5.
  5. Economics / Економiка

  6. Bozhanova V., Kononova O., Dodu-Savca C., Dodu-Gugea L., Chernysheva O. Renewable energy sources impact on economic growth: international practices. - C. 6-11.
  7. Vasyliev O. V., Budnyk K. Y. Diagnostics of crisis state and threat of enterprise bankruptcy. - C. 12-19.
  8. Dotsenko T., Yarovenko H., Berezhna D. Due diligence in the aspect of countering financial cyber fraud: modeling trends. - C. 20-30.
  9. Іщук С. О., Созанський Л. Й. Розвиток машинобудування в Україні: тенденції і загрози. - C. 31-40.
  10. Levchenko S. A. Ensuring economic security of thermal power plants with accelerated decarbonization of the energy industry. - C. 41-50.
  11. Levchenko N. M., Pavlov К. D. Management of threats to the financial stability of enterprises in interactive mode. - C. 51-59.
  12. Ligonenko L., Borysov Ye., Gritsyak L. Predictors of happiness: regression modeling as a basis for determining the necessary actions and decisions. - C. 60-69.
  13. Martynovych N. Distribution of regions by their functional type, as a stage for assessing the socio-economic efficiency of the country’s post-war development. - C. 70-78.
  14. Nepran A. V, Litvinov A. I. Statistical estimation of regional disproportions in bank lending in Ukraine. - C. 79-87.
  15. Pakulina A., Blahoi V. Increasing the Efficiency of State Regulation of Innovative Activities at the Regional Level. - C. 88-97.
  16. Samusevych Ya., Horodetska M. Environmental taxation impact on the development of Ukrainian mining industry. - C. 98-107.
  17. Soroka A. V., Khomenko I. O., Volynets L. M. Current state and development prospects of the road and transport infrastructure of Ukraine. - C. 108-115.
  18. Tkachenko A. M. International experience of raidership. - C. 116-121.
  19. Khomenko L., Chygryn O., Bektas C., Iskakov A. Carbon Neutrality of Ukraine as a Determinant of Green Development. - C. 122-127.
  20. Management / Менеджмент

  21. Illiashenko S., Shypulina Yu., Illiashenko N., Golysheva I. Digitalization as a direction of innovative development of Ukrainian universities in the conditions of technological transformations. - C. 128-138.
  22. Lozova G., Kushchinska O., Spasichenko O., Kanishchenko O. Intellectual capital as a factor of Ukraine’s competitiveness in the conditions of war. - C. 139-150.
  23. Popelo O. V., Tulchynskyi R. V. Organizational and economic support for the transformation of the health care system in the context of digitalization. - C. 151-157.
  24. Tataryntseva Yu. L., Pushkar O. I., Nazarova T. Yu., Osypova S. K., Kochetova T. I. The role of a leader in the processes of social responsibility of business and management of the company’s financial activities. - C. 158-164.
  25. Tyshchenko V., Ivanova D. The impact of digital transformation on modern global labor market trends. - C. 165-172.
  26. Tkachenko К. М. Strategic vision of directions of spatial development of industrial cities in the post-war years. - C. 173-181.
  27. Shvindina H., Balahurovska I. The coopetition strategy: a comprehensive analysis of real cases and empirical studies. - C. 182-195.
  28. Marketing / Маркетинг

  29. Harmider L. D., Honchar L. A., Serhieieva O. R., Vinichenko M. М. Assortment matrix as a basis for assortment planning. - C. 196-202.
  30. Lysenko I., Ilchuk V., Verbytska A. The Role of Marketing Innovations in Product Policy of Enterprises. - C. 203-211.
  31. Tkachenko A. M., Sevastyanov R. V. Development of electronic services of the Smart City. - C. 212-219.
  32. Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Act / Пiдприємництво, торгiвля та бiржова дiяльнiсть

  33. Vinichenko O. M., Bidnenko N. P., Iljuhina V. O. Cognitive model of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry system of Ukraine. - C. 220-229.
  34. Harmider L., Kutsynskyi A., Kutsynska M. E-hryvnia: essential analysis. - C. 230-238.
  35. Hrechko A. V., Ocheretiana O. V. Ensuring sustainable development as a way to reduce enterprise expenses. - C. 239-246.
  36. Tulchynska S. O., Solosich O. S. Intellectual economy as an imperative for the development of systems for ensuring the economic security of economic entitiess. - C. 247-257.
№ 1 (17)
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