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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж68200/2012/106(1)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Актуальні проблеми міжнародних відносин
: зб. наук. пр..- Київ
Actualni problemy mizhnarodnyh vidnosyn

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Andreeva L. U. Institutional premises, factors and limitations for organizing a financial centre in Russia in the conditions of financial globalization. - C. 3-8.
  4. Cangiani M. From development to crisis: origins and outcomes of the neoliberal transformation. - C. 9-23.
  5. Nakayama C. Fade-out and resurgence of subjectivity in market analysis. - C. 24-37.
  6. Rodionova T. External debt dynamics as a factor of the current account sustainability in the central and eastern European countries. - C. 38-53.
  7. Andreeva A. V. Financial globalization and crisis of financial innovation instruments. - C. 54-58.
  8. Shelepov V. G. Development of information economy in the age of globalization. - C. 59-64.
  9. Batrimenko V. Microfinance regulation intensification of transnational banks in EMS as the determinant of system crisis recovery. - C. 65-71.
  10. Ruskykh K. European banking groups in CEE countries: exposure and post-crisis strategy. - C. 72-79.
  11. Заблоцька Р. О., Рибчук А. В. Типологія міжнародної торгівлі послугами на сучасному етапі. - C. 80-88.
  12. Chugaiev O. International economics research: structural changes in the past 50 years. - C. 88-97.
  13. Dziuba P. V. International portfolio investments: the specificity of post-crisis renewal. - C. 97-115.
  14. Lyitvinenko N. P., Lukashuk O. Regional and local capital markets in a modern world. - C. 115-123.
  15. Shevchenko V. Post-crisis global rebalancing and international capital flows. - C. 123-134.
  16. Slozko O. Economic situation in Ukraine, impact of global integration processes. - C. 134-139.
  17. Taranenko I. The innovation strategies of countries in post-crisis global economy: a conceptual approach. - C. 139-150.
  18. Kirichenko O. Conceptual approach to reconciliation of the controversial links between international accounts. - C. 150-158.
  19. Anisimova O. Global imbalances before and after the global crises. - C. 158-171.
  20. Tsevukh Y. International labor migration in a period of global economic crisis. - C. 171-178.
Вип. 106(1)
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