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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44353/2023/5/1<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Theory and building practice
.- Lviv

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Pakere I. , Blumberga D. Smart heat tariffs in transition to free market. - C. 1-14.
  4. Mudryy I. Evaluation of compressibility indicators for housing density. - C. 15-20.
  5. Hohol M., Sydorak D., Hohol M. New design form of steel combined roof trusses. - C. 21-27.
  6. Savchenko O., Yurkevych Y., Voznyak O., Savchenko Z. Assessment of the possibility of transferring Ukrainian district heating systems to low-temperature coolants. - C. 28-36.
  7. Sanytsky M., Kropyvnytska Т., Shyiko O., Bobetskyi Y., Volianiuk A. High strength steel fiber reinforced concrete for fortification protected structures. - C. 37-42.
  8. Kirakevych I., Sanytsky M., Kotur D. The effect of thermal insulation from autoclaved aerated concrete on the energy performance of a single-family house. - C. 43-48.
  9. Sidun I., Sobol K., Bidos V., Hunyak O., Protsyk I. Cationic over-stabilised bitumen emulsion in road construction: review. - C. 49-55.
  10. Novosad P., Marushchak U., Pozniak O. Effective wall structures with use of flax straw concretes. - C. 56-63.
  11. Ivaneiko I. System of redistribution of non-used resource work in non-rhythmic flow-lines. - C. 64-71.
  12. Zhuk V., Bodnar T. Probability of simultaneous multiple leakages at sections of water networks in the process of localization of hidden water leaks. - C. 72-83.
  13. Kapalo P., Bargłowski L., Adamski M. Analysis of ventilation in the selected lecture room: case study. - C. 84-91.
  14. Gengan G., Kew H. Environmental assessment of recycled glass aggregates in reinforced concrete. - C. 92-101.
  15. Gengan G., Kew H., Konstantinos P. Effect of recycled glass aggregates on mechanical and physical properties of structural concrete. - C. 102-111.
  16. Mykhalevskyi N., Vegera P., Blikharskyi Z. The Influence of damage to reinfrorced concrete beam on strength and deformability: the review. - C. 112-119.
  17. Harassek P., Courard L., Garbacz A. Detection of "zero-volume" defects in concrete repair systems using impact-echo method. - C. 120-128.
Vol. 5
Num. 1
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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