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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44260/2021/10/2<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Journal of Governance & Regulation
: intern. sci. j..- Sumy
Journal of governance and regulation

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Dell'Atti S. Editorial: Expanding the research horizons in governance and regulation research. - C. 4-6.
  4. Allan M. S., Ali N. N., Shaban O. S., Al-Salaita N. Client relationship management in banking: A case of emerging market. - C. 8-19.
  5. Ziberi B., Rexha D., Gashi R. The impact of COVID-19 on the consumers' behaviour: The case of Republic of Kosovo economy. - C. 20-33.
  6. AlAfnan M. A. The influences of corporate cultures on business communication: An ethnographic and textual analysis. - C. 34-43.
  7. Marashdeh Z., Alomari M. W., Khataybeh M., Alkhataybeh A. Female representation on the boards of directors of non-financial companies. - C. 44-54.
  8. Hasan H., Oudat M. S., Alsmadi A. A., Nurfahasdi M., Ali B. J. A. Investigating the causal relationship between financial development and carbon emission in the emerging country. - C. 55-62.
  9. Al Frijat Y. S., Al-Hajaia M. E. The role of practical experience requirement in improving the accountant work performance in the business sector. - C. 63-73.
  10. Hassouna D., Salem R. Corporate social responsibility and firm risk: Egypt's case. - C. 74-83.
  11. Bajaher M. S., Thabet O. B., Alshehri A., Alshehri F. Board characteristics and financial institutions' performance: Evidence from an emerging market. - C. 84-95.
  12. Aguir A., Alqatan A., Bzeouich B. Do the highest-paid CEOs affect the accounting conservatism? An empirical investigation in France. - C. 96-107.
  13. Jones L., Geretto E., Polato M., Velliscig G. The implications for bank risk posed by the bail-in amendments to the ranking of unsecured senior debt instruments in insolvency hierarchy. - C. 108-117.
  14. Rifai F., Ramadan B. M., Yousif A. S. H., Al-Dweiri M., Alsmadi A. A. The impact of using outsourcing strategy by humanitarian organizations on logistical performance: An empirical investigation from a developing country. - C. 118-133.
  15. ElHawary E. Audit committee effectiveness and company performance: Evidence from Egypt. - C. 134-156.
  16. Chitumbura J., Takawira O. Transformation of the private offshore wealth management service industry in the emerging economy. - C. 157-165.
  17. Barros V., Chilumbo D., Sarmento J. M. Does privatisation affect industries and firms' capital structure in Europe?. - C. 166-178.
  18. Sondakh J. J., Tulung J. E., Karamoy H. The effect of third-party funds, credit risk, market risk, and operational risk on profitability in banking. - C. 179-185.
Vol. 10
Iss. 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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