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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44205/2023/7/2<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Business ethics and leadership
: intern. research j..- Sumy
Biznes etyka ta liderstvo

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Guedjali A. Careers of Algerian Women Managers: The Psychological Drivers of Discrimination in Professional Careers. - C. 1-8.
  4. Maile K. V., Vyas-Doorgapersad S. Misconduct Impeding Good Governance in The South African Public Service. - C. 9-17.
  5. Branch E., Kasztelnik K. Challenges, Barriers, and the Underrepresentation of Black Women in Sustainable Global World Environment. - C. 18-34.
  6. Manohar P., Rayel J., Sause L. Efficacy of Management and Employees’ Involvement in HRD Initiatives: The Case of PNG Power Limited. - C. 35-46.
  7. Gentsoudi V. The Impact of Effective Leadership on Public Sector’s Financial Instruments: Empirical Evidence from Greece. - C. 47-54.
  8. Naga N., Amalou S. I. Employee Perceptions of Skill-Based Compensation in an Algerian Juice Company. - C. 55-62.
  9. Onopriienko I., Onopriienko K., Bourekkadi S. Immersive Technologies in Adult Learning as an Innovative Marketing Tool in the Educational Market. - C. 63-72.
  10. Bhandari M. P. The Fundamental Principles of Social Sciences. - C. 73-86.
  11. Mayimele N., Demana P., Keele M. Perceptions of Board Members on the Presence of Pharmacists as Strategic Leaders of Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Companies Operating in South Africa: A Qualitative Study. - C. 87-98.
  12. Kharchenko D. Content and Bibliometric Analysis of Education as a Competitive Advantage of Business. - C. 99-108.
  13. Barvinok V., Pudło T. Formation of Online Content Patterns of Higher Education Based on Trends to Preserve Intellectual Capital Quality Decreasing in Ukraine During Wartime. - C. 109-127.
  14. Batchelor J. H., Whelpley Ch. E., Davis M. M., Burch G. F., Barber III D. Toxic Leadership, Destructive Leadership, and Identity Leadership: What are the Relationships and Does Follower Personality Matter?. - C. 128-148.
Vol. 7
Iss. 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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