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Business ethics and leadership
: intern. research j..- Sumy
Biznes etyka ta liderstvo

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Minasyan D., Tovmasyan G. Gender Differences in Decision-making and Leadership: Evidence from Armenia. - C. 6-16.
  4. Mujtaba B. G., Senathip T. Workplace Mobbing and the Role of Human Resources Management. - C. 17-34.
  5. Thomas G. Leadership Models and Leadership Styles as Success Factors in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. - C. 35-42.
  6. Wang F., Lo J., Lam M. Mediating Effects of Stakeholders and Supervision on Corporate Social Responsibility. - C. 43-56.
  7. Abeysekera R. Examining Counsellor Expertise: Evidence from the Sri Lankan Microfinance Sector. - C. 57-67.
  8. Kiss L. B. The Importance of Business Partnership on the World Wide Web. - C. 68-79.
  9. Barber D., Batchelor J. H., Hatten T., Gibson S. G., Rolinek L. Czech Students’ Perceptions of Ethical Behavior in Business and Entrepreneurship. - C. 80-91.
  10. Giebe C., Loffler L., Schneider S. "Take a Knee” Protests in Professional Sports: An Empirical Study about the Influence on Customer Loyalty to Nike in Germany. - C. 92-105.
  11. Abbas A., Khan R., Ishaq F., Mehmood K. The Role of Organizational Culture in Job Satisfaction and Turnover: A Study of Pakistani Employees. - C. 106-112.
  12. Goncharenko T. From Business Modelling to the Leadership and Innovation in Business: Bibliometric Analysis (Banking as a Case). - C. 113-125.
  13. Akpoviroro K. S., Ismaila K. B., Abu Z. Correlate of Workforce Diversity and Organisational Performance of Multinational Food Producing Industry in Nigeria. - C. 126-137.
Vol. 4
Iss. 1
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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