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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44090/2016/8<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Metallurgical and mining industry
.- Dnipropetrovsk
Metallurgical and Mining Industry

  1. Title, Table of Contents.
  2. Editorial board.
  3. Kutniashenko O., Smoliaga V., Litvinova T. Increase of recycling efficiency of domestic waste of preliminary preparation of their dispersed fraction. - C. 6-13.
  4. Medyanik N., Shadrunova I., Kolyada L., Tarasyuk E., Chekushina T. Investigation of strength and corrosion resistance properties of combined packaging materials for metal products. - C. 14-21.
  5. Taraevskyy O. Reliability process of long-term operated gas pipelines in difficult mining and geological conditions. - C. 22-27.
  6. Molokanova V., Petrenko V. Project-oriented approach to metallurgical enterprises sustainable development management. - C. 28-35.
  7. Bondarevska O. Significance of teaching organization of humanitarian disciplines in technical higher education institution in the context of individual strategies formation of the students’ independent-cognitive activity. - C. 36-39.
  8. Hryshchenko S., Morkun V. Formation of ecological competence of future engineers of mining profile on the basis of geoinformation technologies. - C. 40-43.
  9. Dmitriyev D., Valigura M. Effective bench for scientific researches of the brake systems of a railway freight rolling stock. - C. 44-47.
  10. Grigor’eva V. G., Batareev V. V., Shayda R. P., Pelykh I. V. The force analysis of interaction of furnace charge layer with working body of vibration feeder for sintering machine charging. - C. 48-53.
  11. Komashchenko V., Morkun V. Estimation of soils pollution and model of catastrophic chemicalization. - C. 54-57.
  12. Kovalenko I., Stupnik N., Korolenko M., Kiyaschenko D., Batareev A. Cartridged and granulated explosive substances of grade Ukrainit for underground mines. - C. 58-65.
  13. Nuianzin O., Pozdeyev S., Nuianzin V Research of adequacy of mathematical model of heat-mass exchange in the furnace for fire resistance tests of bearing walls. - C. 66-73.
№ 8

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