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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44045/2020/6/2<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Architectural studies
: intern. j. about architecture.- Lviv
Architectural studies

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Brych М. Use of cultural landscapes as a part of open-air museums. - C. 181-187.
  4. Dmytrash O. Issues of design of informal learning spaces in the university cultural centers. - C. 188-193.
  5. Lukyanchenko S., Babyak V., Gnes I. Experience in using modular social housing. - C. 194-197.
  6. Gnes I., Soloviy L. Types of housing and industrial institutions for the homeless in foreign practice. - C. 198-206.
  7. Hnidets R., Yasinskyi M. The architecture of wooden temple buildings – modernity and the form of identity. - C. 207-213.
  8. Kryvoruchko O., Plesnytskyi D. Territory of Vicheva square and problems of its architectural renovation. - C. 214-219.
  9. Maj A., Kuśmierska A. Human-friendly new way of seeing architecture. - C. 220-229.
  10. Nasturzio A., Urbani A. Theatre costume as a factor of architectonics of theatre space (costume design for The Penelopiad). - C. 230-234.
  11. Pidlisetska K., Нnat Н. Aspects of the formation of a gender-sensitive urban environment of residential structures. - C. 235-242.
  12. Posatskyi B., Mazur T., Korol Y. Visual and aesthetic evaluation of the trace highways in the landscape. - C. 243-248.
  13. Rybchynskyi O. Nature and fortification structures of downtowns in the cities of Kyiv region in the 17th – end of the 18th centuries. - C. 249-257.
  14. Shuldan L., Shtendera A. Simulation modelling development in design of energy efficiency improvement of architectural solutions. - C. 258-268.
  15. Smadych I. The influence of genetic memory and memory of generations on the change of the habitat. - C. 269-279.
  16. Smaliychuk A. Prospective trends of multiflat housing in 2021–2035. - C. 280-285.
  17. Stasyuk О. Current situation and conservation issues of the cemetery near the church of the Holy Spirit in Rohatyn. - C. 286-295.
  18. Yablonska H. Social scenario and formation of the concept of an apartment residential complex. - C. 296-301.
  19. Chyzhevska L. Forming principles of spatial-planning model for recreation environment in rural local conditions. - C. 302-308.
  20. Relevant requirements for the articles submitting to the scientificjournal "Architectural Studies" of Lviv Polytechnic National University. - C. I-II.
Vol. 6
Num. 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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