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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44045/2020/6/1<.>)
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Architectural studies
: intern. j. about architecture.- Lviv
Architectural studies

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Cherkes B., Lytvynchuk I. Spontaneous and regular models of fortified cities of Ukraine in the 16th–17th centuries. - C. 1-9.
  4. Hnes I., Ivanochko U., Voloshyn M. Potential of the city authority in the formation of socially comfortable housing environment. - C. 10-17.
  5. Stasyuk O. Cemetery and church: art environment and spiritualy-functional symbiosis. - C. 18-25.
  6. Kopylyak І. Development of the theatrical function in the network of Ukrainian cultural and educational establishments of Galicia. - C. 26-31.
  7. Dyda I. Ukrainian identity in buildings of Ivan Levynskyi’s company. - C. 32-40.
  8. Yanchuk K., Harashchak T. Analysis of the genre palette F. Kiesler’s creative activities. - C. 41-45.
  9. Yatsiv M. Stenography of light in the architecture of modern theater buildings. - C. 46-52.
  10. Gunia-Kuznetsova N. Theatre performances in non-theatre spaces. - C. 53-58.
  11. Mykhaylyshyn O., Benediuk P. Between traditionalism and avant-garde: the creative heritage of architector Serhiy Tymoshenko in the interwar period. - C. 59-67.
  12. Bosyy P., Proskuryakov V. Architects and theatrical designers cooperation: main aspects (based on the results of the student Ukrainian – Canadianproject seminar in Lviv in 2017 on the renovation of the hall of the firstacademic building of "Lviv Polytechnic” and expansion of theatricalentertainingand cultural-educational functions). - C. 68-75.
  13. Linda S., Cherkes B. Kastelivka: romantic trends in the development of the historicisn architecture in Lviv at the turn of 19th – 20th centuries. - C. 76-86.
  14. Dolgoy S., Bosyy P. Two approaches to restoring historical buildings and environments for the theatre function. - C. 87-98.
  15. Topylko S. The role and meaning of a sacral building in the process of evolution of the architectural and planning structure of Galician towns founded in the second half of the 16th – 17th century. - C. 99-106.
  16. Klymeniuk T., Petrovska Y. Buildings on Levytsky street designed by architect Ivan Levynskyi. - C. 107-116.
  17. Proskuryakov V. Participation of the lecturers and the students of the Lviv architectural school in the Prague quadrennial 2019. - C. 117-119.
  18. Proskuryakov V. Designing the architecture of the first Ukrainian national theater pavilion for the world exhibition. - C. 120-127.
  19. Babyak V., Vozniuk L., Bebko S. Architectural methods of designing specialized dwellings for underutilized blank facades. - C. 128-134.
  20. Bohdanova Y. Principles of space perception in nature, theatrical scenography and architecture. - C. 135-142.
  21. Filipchuk Y., Kubai R. Design results of cultural and educational, theatrical and entertainment buildings. - C. 143-148.
  22. Bohdanova Y., Klymko Z. Phenomenology of perception of architectural monuments by students acquiring art education. - C. 149-156.
  23. Petrovska Y., Kuzmych V. Pedagogic (tiching) activity of Ivan Levynskyi at lviv school of architecture in the late 19th century – early 20th century. - C. 157-161.
  24. Klymko Z., Gumennyk I. Scenographic ideas of Yevhen Lysyk in artistic works of the architects of Ukraine. - C. 162-169.
  25. Komar Ż., Bohdanova Y. Influence of Ivan Levynskyi on the architecture of secessive Lviv. - C. 170-180.
  26. Relevant requirements for the articles submitting to the scientific journal "Architectural Studies" of Lviv Polytechnic National University.
Vol. 6
Num. 1
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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