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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

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Architectural studies
: intern. j. about architecture.- Lviv
Architectural studies

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Cherkes B., Radomska V. Current state of preservation and problematics of restoring polychrome paintings by modest sosenko in the structure of sacred architecture. - C. 1-8.
  4. Dyda I. To the issue of urban space identity: relevance of the distinction. - C. 9-17.
  5. Kramarchuk K., Chelombitko O. Similarity of grammars of architectural space in canonical icons and the architecture of deconstructivism. - C. 18-26.
  6. Kondratyeva O. Gesamtkunstwerk as a formula for creating artistic character in architecture by Volodymyr Pokrovsky. - C. 27-34.
  7. Linda S., Fedak A. In search of the perfect form: the geometry of the city in the treatises by plato, T. More, T. Campanella. - C. 35-44.
  8. Markovskyi A. Transformation of paradigm in contest for the development of Kyiv city center in the 1930–1940s. - C. 45-52.
  9. Sleptsov O., Soltani A. Features of functional-planning solutions in the architecture formation of contemporary iranian shopping and entertainment complexes. - C. 53-57.
  10. Cherkes B., Myhal S. Igor seredyuk – an artist who was ahead of time. - C. 58-64.
  11. Instructions to Authors – The academic journal "Architectural Studies".
Vol. 5
Num. 1
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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