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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Architectural studies
: intern. j. about architecture.- Lviv
Architectural studies

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Dyda I. The concept of traditional architecture in terms of preserving identity of modern architectural space in Ukraine. - C. 49-56.
  4. Ivanov-Kostetskiy S., Ianchuk K. Facilities of city design: small architectural forms. - C. 57-62.
  5. Podhalański A. A secelction of case studies regarding the changes brought on by tourist traffic in areas containing examples of preserved timber architectural heritage on the border between poland and Ukraine. - C. 63-70.
  6. Posatskyy B. Townscape of Lviv – phases of development (the end of 18th – beginning 21th century). - C. 71-80.
  7. Remizova O. The structure of the architectural language. - C. 81-86.
  8. Uruszczak M. The palace and garden complex in Wlodowice. Prospects for restoration against other tourist attractions of the Krakow–Czestochowa Jura. - C. 87-92.
  9. Yuryk Ya. Developing and preservation of memory in the architectural environment of the cities. - C. 93-98.
  10. Zantke G. Solution of traffic problems in the central area of Lviv. - C. 99-106.
Vol. 1
Num. 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
Пам`ятка користувача

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