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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж43925/2022/2<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

East European journal of physics
.- Kharkiv
Skhidno-yevropejskyj fizychnyj zhurnal

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Kalinichenko A. I., Strel’nitskij V. E. Influence of the Inert Gas Pressure on Intrinsic Stress in Diamond-Like Coating Deposited From Vacuum Arc Carbon Plasma. - C. 6-11.
  4. Inyang E. P., Iwujib P. C., Ntibi J. E., William E. S., Ibang E. A. Solutions of the Schrödinger Equation with Hulthén-Screened Kratzer Potential: Application to Diatomic Molecules. - C. 12-22.
  5. Gakh G. I., Konchatnij M. I., Merenkov N. P., Tomasi-Gustafsson E. General Analysis of the Reaction e+ + e -→ N + N + π0. - C. 23-32.
  6. Аksenova V. Yu., Marchenko I. G., Marchenko I. I. Specific Features of the Simulation of the Particle Diffusion Processes in Spatially Periodic Fields. - C. 33-42.
  7. Inyang E. P., Iwuji P. C., Ntibi J. E., Omugbe E., Ibanga E. A., William E. S. Quark-Antiquark Study with Inversely Quadratic Yukawa Potential Using the Nikiforov-Uvarov-Functional-Analysis Method. - C. 43-51.
  8. Shafi M. A., Bibi S., Khan M. M., Sikandar H., Javed F., Ullah H., Khan L., Mari B. A Numerical Simulation for Efficiency Enhancement of CZTS Based Thin Film Solar Cell Using SCAPS-1D. - C. 52-63.
  9. Shafi M. A., Khan M., Bibi S., Shafi M. Y., Rabbani N., Ullah H., Khan L., Mari B. Effect of Parasitic Parameters and Environmental Conditions on I-V and P-V Characteristics of 1D5P Model Solar PV Cell Using LTSPICE-IV. - C. 64-74.
  10. Kutnii D., Vanzha S., Burdeynyi D., Levenets V., Omelnik O., Shchur A. Boron Isotopic Ratio (δ11B) Measurements in Boron Carbide (B4C): Benchmarking Between SF-ICP-MS and Pige Techniques. - C. 75-79.
  11. Hijab S. A., Al-Rashid S. N. T. Study of Electrical Properties of Nano TiO2 Coatings Based on the Characteristic Matrix Theory and the Brus Model. - C. 80-84.
  12. Pogorelov S. V., Timaniuk V. A., Krasovskyi I. V., Kokodii N. G. Investigation of a Glow Discharge with a Coaxial Hollow Cathode. - C. 85-90.
  13. Chen J. Effects of Different Factors on the Heat Conduction Properties of Carbon Films and Fibers. - C. 91-98.
  14. Sereda I., Hrechko Ya., Babenko Ie., Azarenkov M. The Features of Intense Electron Flow Impact on Metal Hydride Electrode. - C. 99-102.
  15. Al-Elaimi M. Structural, Thermal, and Electronic Investigation of ZrCo1-xNixBi (x=0, 0.25, 0.75, and 1) Half-Heusler Alloys. - C. 103-111.
  16. Beresnev V. M., Maksakova O. V., Lytovchenko S. V., Klymenko S. A., Horokh D. V., Manohin A. S., Mazilin B. O., Chyshkala V. O., Stolbovoy V. A. Correlating Deposition Parameters with Structure and Properties of Nanoscale Multilayer (TiSi)N/CrN Coatings. - C. 112-117.
  17. Morgunov V., Madar I., Lytovchenko S., Chyshkala V., Mazilin B. Comparison of Numerically Simulated and Measured Dose Rates for Gamma-Irradiation Facility. - C. 118-123.
  18. Zhytniakivska O., Tarabara U., Kurutos A., Vus K., Trusova V., Gorbenko G. Interaction of Novel Monomethine Cyanine Dyes with Proteins in Native and Amyloid States. - C. 124-132.
  19. Trusova V., Zhytniakivska O., Tarabara U., Vus K., Gorbenko G. Interactions of Fibrillar Insulin with Proteins: A Molecular Docking Study. - C. 133-140.
  20. Yousef M. A. M., Alsubaie A. S., Saad Z. A. A. A., Abd-Alla M. D. Electronic Chips Acting as Capacitors or Inductors when Laser Act as Information Transmitter. - C. 141-152.
  21. Hwash W. S. Solutions of the Schrodinger Equation with Hul Neutron Position for Beta (β-) Decay and Neutron Emission. - C. 153-159.
  22. Demydenko I. V. Use of Nonlinear Operators for Solving Geometric Optics Problems. - C. 160-172.
No 2
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