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Investment management and financial innovations
: intern. research j..- Sumy
Investytsiinyi menedzhment ta finansovi innovatsii

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Oliveira M. A., Santos C. Determinants of credit default swaps implied ratings during the crisis: was sovereign risk mispriced?. - C. 1-14.
  4. Carrillo-Hidalgo I., Pulido-Fernandez J. I. Measuring the inclusiveness of international financing to tourism in Latin America and the Caribbean. - C. 15-34.
  5. Asaleye A. J., Adama J. I., Ogunjobi J. O. Financial sector and manufacturing sector performance: evidence from Nigeria. - C. 35-48.
  6. Kountur R. The likelihood value of residual risk estimation in the management of enterprise risk. - C. 49-55.
  7. Nesterchuk Y., Prokopchuk O., Tsymbalyuk Y., Rolinskyi O., Bilan Y. Current status and prospects of development of the system of agrarian insurance in Ukraine. - C. 56-70.
  8. Al-ahdal W. M., Farhan N. H. S., Tabash M. I., Prusty T. The impact of demonetization on Indian firms’ performance: does company’s age make a difference?. - C. 71-82.
  9. Ivashchenko A., Britchenko I., Dyba M., Polishchuk Y., Sybirianska Y., Vasylyshen Y. Fintech platforms in SME’s financing: EU experience and ways of their application in Ukraine. - C. 83-96.
  10. Zhao X., Li M., Liu L. Beta momentum strategy after extreme market movements. - C. 97-110.
  11. El-Nader G. Does stock ownership impact liquidity and dividends?. - C. 111-121.
  12. Idris M. I., Siam Y. I. A., Ahmad A. L. The impact of external auditor size on the relationship between audit committee effectiveness and earnings management. - C. 122-130.
  13. Mazambani L., Rushwaya T. J., Mutambara E. Financial inclusion: disrupted liquidity and redundancy of mobile money agents in Zimbabwe. - C. 131-142.
  14. Slav’yuk R., Slaviuk N. Government debt management: challenges and perspectives. - C. 143-156.
  15. Plastun A., Makarenko I., Khomutenko L., Belinska Y., Domashenko M. Exploring frequency of price overreactions in the Ukrainian stock market. - C. 157-168.
  16. Ankenbrand T., Bieri D. Assessment of cryptocurrencies as an asset class by their characteristics. - C. 169-181.
  17. Molocwa G. A., Khamfula Y., Cheteni P. Budget deficits, investment and economic growth: a panel cointegration approach. - C. 182-189.
  18. Shaferi I., Laksana R. D., Wahyudi S. The effect of risk leverage on investors’ preferences in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. - C. 190-198.
  19. Katan L., Dobrovolska O., Espejo J. M. R. Structural modeling of the financial support for the Ukrainian agrarian sector. - C. 199-211.
  20. Pravikov O., Stetsyuk V., Denisov V. Strategic change in investment policy rationale of enterprises modernization as a key condition for getting over economic crisis. - C. 212-222.
  21. Degtyarova I., Hryhorash O., Chentsov V. The mechanism of higher education funding in Ukraine: nationwide and local perspective. - C. 223-236.
  22. Khalatur S., Pavlova G., Zhylenko K. The role of some indicators of financial security in Ukraine in the context of transnationalization and national interests. - C. 237-248.
  23. Simon S., Sawandi N., Abdul-Hamid M. A. A reassessment of the relationship between working capital management and firm performance: evidence from non-financial companies in Nigeria. - C. 249-266.
  24. Akinde M. A., Peter E., Ikpefan O. A. Portfolio selection strategies and cognitive psychology biases: a behavioral evidence from the Nigerian equity market. - C. 267-282.
  25. Serikova M., Sembiyeva L., Mussina A., Kuchukova N., Nurumov A. The institutional model of tax administration and aspects of its development. - C. 283-293.
  26. Dahmardeh N., Khaki R., Esfandiari M. The role of news in the fluctuations of housing price. - C. 294-303.
  27. Haber J. A., Bukhtiarova A., Chorna S., Iastremska O., Bolgar T. Forecasting the level of financial security of the country (on the example of Ukraine). - C. 304-317.
  28. Amiolemen O. O., Uwuigbe U., Uwuigbe O. R., Osiregbemhe I. S., Opeyemi A. Corporate social environmental reporting and stock prices: an analysis of listed firms in Nigeria. - C. 318-328.
  29. Omolade A., Ngalawa H. Oil price movements, exchange rate and Nigerian manufacturing sector growth: a short-run analysis. - C. 329-342.
  30. Budiarso N. S., Pontoh W. The moderating effect of shareholder features on dividend disbursement: evidence from Indonesia. - C. 343-350.
  31. Vezeris D. T., Kyrgos T. S., Schinas C. J. Hedging and non-hedging trading strategies on commodities using the d-Backtest PS method. Optimized trading system hedging. - C. 351-369.
  32. Dahani K., Aboulaich R. Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model for the Islamic economy. - C. 370-382.
Vol. 15
Iss. 3
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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