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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж24320/2021/4(13)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies
.- Харків
Shìdno-Êvropejsʹkij žurnal peredovih tehnologìj

  1. Титул.
  2. Content.
  3. Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology

  4. Pererva P., Kuchynskyi V., Kobielieva T., Kosenko A., Maslak O. Economic substantiation of outsourcing the information technologies and logistic services in the intellectual and innovative activities of an enterprise. - C. 6-14.
  5. Lesinskyi V., Yemelyanov O., Zarytska O., Symak A., Petrushka T. Devising a toolset for assessing the potential of loan financing of projects aimed at implementing energy-saving technologies. - C. 15-33.
  6. Vodovozov E., Rudachenko O. Devising a procedure for ensuring entrepreneurship protectionism in the context of financial capital investments for the purpose of rehabilitation of the transport sector. - C. 34-41.
  7. Illiashenko O., Kondratenko N. Economic assessment of sources of investment in the development of municipal electric transport enterprises. - C. 42-51.
  8. Ratynskyi V., Tymoshyk N., Sherstiuk R., Dudkina O., Dunaev I., Petrovska I., Mital O., Nosyriev O. Devising scientific and methodological tools to strengthen the economic security of a region through the improvement of technologies for marketing support of tourism. - C. 52-65.
  9. Adamenko M., Kornukh O. Devising an integrated approach to assessing the indicators of personnel innovativeness under conditions of innovative development of an enterprise. - C. 66-77.
  10. Podolchak N., Tsygylyk N., Khim М. Use of the transfer of the best european technologies to implement the system for forming of civil servant-leader. - C. 78-88.
  11. Bradul A., Varava L., Turylo A., Dashko I., Varava A. Forecasting the effectiveness of the enterprise to intensify innovation and investment development, taking into account the financial component of economic potential. - C. 89-100.
  12. Bugrov O., Bugrova O. Development of conceptual model of project value dynamics analysis in conditions of uncertainty. - C. 101-112.
  13. Abstract and References. - C. 113-130.
№ 4(13) (112)
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