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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж24320/2019/6(3)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies
.- Харків
Shìdno-Êvropejsʹkij žurnal peredovih tehnologìj

  1. Титул, Content.
  2. Samsonkin V., Goretskyi O., Matsiuk V., Myronenko V., Boinik A., Merkulov V. Development of an approach for operative control over railway transport technological safety based on the identification of risks in the indicators of its operation. - C. 6-14.
  3. Aleksishin A., Vagushchenko A., Vagushchenko O., Kalinichenko Y. Improvement of the anti-collision method "Velocity Obstacle" by taking into consideration the dynamics of an operating vessel. - C. 14-19.
  4. Kamieniev K., Kamienieva A., Tsymbal M. Construction of a mathematical model and a method for arranging hazardous cargoes on a containership. - C. 20-27.
  5. Sulym А., Fomin O., Khozia P., Palant О., Stamatin V. Development of a comprehensive approach to determining the rational parameters of an onboard capacitive energy accumulator for a subway train. - C. 28-38.
  6. Popov O., Shmatko N., Budanov P., Pantielieieva I., Brovko K. Cost-effectiveness in mathematical modelling of the power unit control. - C. 39-48.
  7. Postan M., Savelieva I., Stadnik V. Development of a method for determination of ship’s loading time distribution under іrregular cargo arrival. - C. 49-56.
  8. Tryhuba A., Rudynets M., Pavlikha N., Tryhuba I., Kytsyuk I., Korneliuk O., Fedorchuk-Moroz V., Androshchuk I., Skorokhod I., Seleznov D. Establishing patterns of change in the indicators of using milk processing shops at a community territory. - C. 57-65.
  9. Sizova N., Starkova O., Solodovnik G., Dolgova N. Development of a computer model for evaluating the alternative options of an investment and construction project under conditions of uncertainty and risk. - C. 66-76.
  10. Abstract and References. - C. 77-88.
№ 6(3) (102)
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