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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж16740/2020/1<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Медична освіта
: наук.-практ. журн..- Тернопіль
Medična osvìta

  1. Титул.
  2. Content.
  3. Derevianko T. V., Zviagolska I. M. Formation of the personality of a future doctor through extracurricular activities at the department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology: experience and perspectives. - C. 5-10.
  4. Fedchyshyn N. O., Yelahina N. I. Peculiarities of future pe teachers' training at the higher educational establishment. - C. 10-15.
  5. Potapova T. M., Sliesarchuk V. Yu., Podpletnia O. A., Lohvynenko N. V. The results of implementation of the Unified State Qualification Examination of pharmacy students at Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy. - C. 16-20.
  6. Savaryn T. V., Prokop I. A. The use of game elements in the study of medical terminology in higher medical educational establishments. - C. 21-26.
  7. Volyanska L. A., Vorontsova Т. О., Burbela E. I., Rohalska Y. V. Problem-oriented teaching of childhood infectious diseases for medical students graduate courses. - C. 27-30.
  8. Bauer T., Tsaryk O. M., Rybina N. V. Bilingualism and interference as tendencies of linguistic development of modern educational space in conditions of educational internationalization. - C. 31-35.
  9. Khaniukov O. O., Sapozhnychenko L. V., Smolyanova O. V. Research competency at the undergraduate level of higher education. - C. 36-40.
  10. Kolodnytska O. D., Palasiuk H. B., Vorona I. I. Latin phraseological fund as a source of developing future physicians' lexical competence. - C. 41-44.
  11. Kulbashna Ya. A., Malanchuk V. O., Nahirnyj Ya. P., Skrypnyk I. L., Zakharova V. O. A modern model of masters' in dentistry professional training. - C. 45-49.
  12. Lomakina Yu. V., Bulyk R. Ye., Tymofiieva M. P., Fedoniuk L. Ya., Muzyka N. Ya. A technology of communicative competence development of future doctors in the process of professional training. - C. 50-55.
  13. Nazarevych L. T., Denysiuk N. R., Havdyda N. I. Theoretical and practical approaches to teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language at TNTU. - C. 56-61.
  14. Nazaruk O. V. Development of the foreign students' cognitive activity at the practicals of Ukrainian. - C. 63-66.
  15. Protsyk H. M. Project method: past and future. - C. 67-71.
  16. Rodionova V. V., Hlyniana L. A., Hashynova K. Yu., Razumnyi R. V. The role of a scientific circle in students' professional training. - C. 72-76 .
  17. Sinyshina V. M. Methodological approaches to professional training of future practical psychologists. - C. 77-81.
  18. Stefanyshyn K. L. A practical as the main form of the educational process on the discipline "Ukrainian as a foreign language" at the higher school. - C. 82-86.
  19. Yelahina N. I., Fedchyshyn N. O. Games as a means of learning a foreign language by medical students. - C. 87-92.
  20. Zenčaka A. The role of adult vocational education in business environment in Latvia. - C. 93-101.
  21. Demianchuk М. R. Terminological analysis of the basic definitions of studying vocational training of future junior specialists in nursing in colleges. - C. 102-105.
  22. Kichula M. Ya. Pedagogical approaches in the process of training medical students. - C. 106-111.
  23. Sheremeta L. P. Formation of orphoepic students'skills at the classes of the Ukrainian language as foreign. - C. 112-116.
  24. Vorona І. І., Prokop I. A. Professional culture in the context of future doctor training. - C. 117-121.
№ 1 (86)
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