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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж16377/2017/4<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu
: peer-reviewed j..- Dnipro
Naukovij vìsnik Nacìonalʹnogo gìrničogo unìversitetu

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Vlasov S., Tymchenko S., Sinitsyna O., Buhrim O. The impact of residual magnetization on accelerating grout mixture coagulation processes and their physical and mechanical properties. - C. 5-13.
  4. Sdvyzhkova О., Golovko Yu., Klymenko D. Effect of harmonic oscillations on a crack initiation in the rock mass. - C. 13-18.
  5. Sadovenko I. O., Zahrytsenko A. M., Podvihina O. O., Dereviahina N. I. Water balance control within rock mass using the capacity of water-bearing formations. - C. 19-26.
  6. Sobolev V. V., Bilan N. V., Khalymendyk A. V. On formation of electrically conductive phases under electrothermal activation of ferruginous carbonates. - C. 27-35.
  7. Taran I. O., Trubitsyn M. M. Analysis of the error obtaining while determining characteristics of rotor system within the run-down. - C. 36-43.
  8. Lukianchuk O. P., Ryzhyi O. P., Ihnatiuk R. M. Design of tiered operating unit for deep differentiated tillage. - C. 43-48.
  9. Kotsur M. I., Andrienko P. D., Kotsur I. M., Blyzniakov O. V. Converter for frequency-current slip-power recovery scheme. - C. 49-54.
  10. Loveikin V. S., Romasevych Yu. О. Dynamic optimization of a mine winder acceleration mode. - C. 55-61.
  11. Kuvaiev V. M., Beshta D. О. Dynamic model of interaction of mechanisms on the section between the roll mill stand and the coiler in the process of wire winding by Garrett reel. - C. 61-66.
  12. Podnebenna S. K., Burlaka V. V., Gulakov S. V. Three-phase power supply for resistance welding machine with corrected power factor. - C. 67-72.
  13. Nitsenko V. V., Kulahin D. O. Research on effect of differential-phase protection of busbars system with voltage of 110-750 kV. - C. 72-79.
  14. Ryabchii V. A., Ryabchii V. V., Trehub M. V., Trehub Yu. Ye. Substantiation of land parcel configuration in buffer zones. - C. 80-85.
  15. Berdnyk M. H. Mathematical model of and method for solving the Neumann generalized heat-exchange problem for a cylinder with homogeneous layers. - C. 86-91.
  16. Mladetsky I. K., Kuvaiev Ya. H., Pryadko N. S. Control regularities of the useful mineral extraction from ore feed stream with ball grinding. Correlation analysis. - C. 91-98.
  17. Sheremet O., Sadovoy O. The method of automatic control system synthesis on the base of discrete time equalizer. - C. 99-104.
  18. Pihnastyi О. М. Analytical methods for designing technological trajectories of the object of labour in a phase space of states. - C. 104-111.
  19. Voloshynа S. V., Kostakova L. D. Simulation analysis of relationship between production cost and natural environment of iron ore extraction and processing. - C. 112-121.
  20. Bondar-Pidhurska O. V., Solovyov V. P. The strategy of sustainable innovative society-oriented development of Ukrainian economy (by the example of mineral resource industry). - C. 122-132.
  21. Ivanova M. Theoretical aspects of the system decomposition of the logistics system elements. - C. 132-139.
  22. Privalov А. N., Bogatyreva Yu. I., Romanov V. А., Kormakova V. N. Safe information environment as a quality indicator of educational institution management. - C. 140-145.
  23. Shramenko N. Y. Methodological aspect of substantiating the feasibility of intermodal technology for delivery of goods in the international traffic. - C. 145-150.
  24. Panukhnyk O. V., Marynenko N. Yu., Kramar I. Yu. Synthesis of effective components of the mechanism of managing adaptive development of production and economic organizations. - C. 151-156.
№ 4 (160)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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