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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101741/2022/31(1)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Journal of geology, geography and geoecology
: journal.- Dnipro

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Batur M. O. Assessing the spatial interpolation based on the sampling size and point geometry in elevation mapping applications. - C. 3-9.
  4. Brusak V. P., Kravchuk Y. S., Brusak I. V., Krychevska D. A. State and prospects of relief protection in nature reserves and national nature parks of the Ukrainian Carpathians. - C. 10-21.
  5. Habchak N. F., Dubis L. F. Analysis of ecotourism infrastructure within the nature-protected areas of the Transcarpathian region (on the example of National Nature Park "Synevyr"). - C. 22-30.
  6. Hamza M. B., Abbassia A., Benyahia M. Urban sprawl and roads networks expansion evolution and its impacts on environment using sensor and socio-economic data: Macta watershed western of Algeria. - C. 31-44.
  7. Haskevych V. H., Lemeha N. M., Vitvitskyi Y. Y. Soil-degradation zoning of Lviv Oblast. - C. 45-58.
  8. Ivanov Y. A., Krychevska D. A., Lopushanska M. R., Pylypovych O. V. The geographical location, current state and forecasting of development of renewable energy facilities within Lviv region. - C. 59-70.
  9. Khilchevskyi V. K., Netrobchuk I. M., Sherstyuk N. P., Zabokrytska M. R. Environmental assessment of the quality of surface waters in the upper reaches of the Pripyat basin in Ukraine using different methods. - C. 71-80.
  10. Kniazevych A. O., Kraychuk A. V., Kraychuk S. O., Ostapchuk N. O. Application of the Data Envelopment Analysis method to assess the efficiency of social and economic systems. - C. 81-88.
  11. Kornus O. H., Kornus A. O., Skyba О. M., Shyshchuk V. D., Pshenychna L. V., Danylchenko O. S. Nosogeographic assessment of the adult population morbidity of the Sumy region (Ukraine). - C. 89-98.
  12. Mamedov M. N., Mansurov M. I., Kerimov V. M., Ganbarova E. F., Mamedova A. G., Shamiev R. A. Patterns of distribution and peculiarities of formation of gold ore mineralization in metamorphic and black shale strata of Azerbaijan. - C. 99-109.
  13. Mazurets R. R., Havrylenko T. V., Serbenivska A. Y., Zhuchenko V. G. Event potential of the tourist destination "DUBNO” as a tool for innovative development of the region. - C. 110-119.
  14. Olishevska Y. A., Kupach T. G. Street art in the context of urban tourism development. - C. 120-132.
  15. Potapova A. G., Golub G. S., Pogrebskyi T. G., Hlushko S. V. Divorce as an aspect of demographic behavior of the population of Volyn region. - C. 133-141.
  16. Sergeyeva A. M., Abdullina A. G., Albekova A. Y., Shumakova G. Zh. Development of children and youth tourism in the modern social space of Kazakhstan. - C. 142-151.
  17. Trigub V. I., Domuschy S. V. Assessment of risk to health of the population from soil pollution by heavy metals: theoretical-methodological and ecological aspects. - C. 152-162.
  18. Vyshnevskyi V. I. The impact of climate change on evaporation from water surface in Ukraine. - C. 163-170.
  19. Vysotska O. Y., Vysotskyi O. Y. Green consumer culture as a factor of sustainable development of society. - C. 171-185.
  20. Zavarika G. M. Military tourism as a peculiarity of tourism development in a post-conflict territory. - C. 186-193.
Vol. 31(1)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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