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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101741/2019/28(1)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Journal of geology, geography and geoecology
: journal.- Dnipro

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Bezugly V. V., Boyko Z. V., Tsvietaieva О. V. Demographic transformation in the agglomerations of Dnipropetrovsk region. - C. 3-10.
  4. Chaabia R., Benselhoub A., Bounouala M., Makhlouf A., Rodrigo Á. G., Montequín V. R. Mineralogical characterization and comparative study of two processing methods of iron ore from the Anini deposit (NE Algeria). - C. 11-18 .
  5. Cheremisska O. M., Cheremissky Yu. V. Lithofacial and paleogeographic analysis of the Burdigallian-Langhian formations of the Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep. - C. 19-28.
  6. Chernega O. B., Gorina G. O., Romanukha O. M., Bohatyryova G. A., Nikolenko K. V. Comparative analysis of the regional markets of cultural and cognitive tourism development in Ukraine. - C. 29-38.
  7. Dluhopolskyi O. V., Kozyuk V. V., Ivashuk Y.P. Empirical evaluation of preferences by ecological factors of individual welfare of Ukrainians. - C. 39-50 .
  8. Gerasimenko N., Yurchenko T., Rohozin Ye. Vegetation changes in Bukovyna over the last 2000 years (based on pollen data) . - C. 51-58.
  9. Habchak N. F., Dubis L. F. Labour migration of the population of Ukraine to the countries of the European Union: factors and risks of influence. - C. 59-67.
  10. Hrushka V. V., Horozhankina N. A., Boiko Z. V. Analysis of geoecological problems of Dnipropetrovsk region (in multidimensional sign space) . - C. 68-78.
  11. Khilchevskyi V. K., Kurylo S. M., Sherstuk N. P., Zabokrytska M. R. The chemical composition of precipitation in Ukraine and its potential impact on the environment and water bodies. - C. 79-86.
  12. Kovalchuk G. K., Lebedieva V. K., Savchuk L. M., Bandorina L. M. Economic geographical aspects of development of the regions of Ukraine. - C. 87-94.
  13. Kovalchuk I. P., Lukianchuk K. A., Bogdanets V. A. Assessment of open source digital elevation models (SRTM-30, ASTER, ALOS) for erosion processes modeling. - C. 95-105.
  14. Lazreg Benaichata, Mahmoud Houari, Mhamed Maatoug, Mohamed Azzaoui, Naceur Khadidja Identification of rainfall onset for meteorological use regarding to region in the Algerian highlands. - C. 106-113.
  15. Manyuk V. Geological history of the Dnipro Rapids from Paleogene to Holocene. - C. 114-132.
  16. Mokritskaya T.P. Microaggregate composition and other features of the loesses of Kryvyi Rih. - C. 133-139.
  17. Naceur Khadidja, Maatoug Mhamed, Benaichata Lazreg, Stankevich S. А., Titarenko O. V., Kharytonov M.М. Spatial Assessment of Seasonal Changes in Pollution of the Air Ground Layer with Aerosol Particles in School Yards of Tiaret city (Algeria) . - C. 140-147.
  18. Nezdoyminov S. G., Milashovska O. I. River travels as a direction for the development of tourism in Ukraine. - C. 148-158.
  19. Pankiv N. Ye., Roik O. R. Greenways as a model for the development of sustainable tourism in the Lviv region (for example, Yavoriv district). - C. 159-172 .
  20. Sadovenko I. A., Pugach A. N., Derevyagina N. I. Investigation of hydrogeomechanical parameters of loess massifs in conditions of technogenic underflooding and development of technical recommendations for strengthening of bases of foundations. - C. 173-179.
  21. Sardak S. E., Krupskyi O. P., Korotun S. I., Reshetniak D. E. Commercialization of the nature-resource potential of anthropogenic objects (by the example of exhausted mines) . - C. 180-187.
  22. Suhina O., Shults S., Tkach B., Popadynets N., Kamushkov O. Methodology of evaluating economic losses resulting from partial loss of the air ecosystem’s assimilative capacity. - C. 188-198.
  23. Zmiievska K., Tubaltsev A. Possibility of application of the method of observing the natural impulse electromagnetic field of the earth for allocation of watered faults on the example of Yeritovo quarry. - C. 199-206.
Vol. 28(1)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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