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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101741/2018/27(2)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Journal of geology, geography and geoecology
: journal.- Dnipro

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Asotskyi V., Buts Y., Kraynyuk O., Ponomarenko R. Post-pyrogenic changes in the properties of grey forest podzolic soils of ecogeosystems of pine forests under conditions of anthropogenic loading. - C. 175-183.
  4. Bosevska L. P., Chowdhury A. Labile technogenic geological system of the flooded Shevchenko salt mine (Ukraine). - C. 184-201.
  5. Grubinko V. V., Humeniuk H. B., Khomenchuk V. O., Garmatiy N. M., Voytiuk V. B., Barna M. M. Ecotoxicological status and prognosis of the state of an urbanized hydroecosystem (on the example of the reservoir "Ternopil pond".). - C. 202-212.
  6. Havriushyn O. V. Mapping the spatial and temporal distribution of changes in the administrative-territorial division. - C. 213-221.
  7. Kasiyanchuk D. V., Kuzmenko E. D., Tymkiv M. M., Vitiuk A. V. Geo-information modelling of the insolation level within Ivano-Frankivsk region. - C. 222-231 .
  8. Khilchevskyi V. К., Zabokrytska M. R., Sherstyuk N. P. Hydrography and hydrochemistry of the transboundary river Western Bug on the territory of Ukraine. - C. 232-243.
  9. Khomenko Yu. T., Isakov L. V., Manyuk V. V. On the development of geotouristic routes on the objects of the Precambrian Rock Association of the Western Priazоvia. - C. 244-260.
  10. Krupskyi O. P., Temchur K. O. Media tourism in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone as a new tourist phenomenon. - C. 261-273.
  11. Kulikova D. V., Kovrov O. S., Buchavy Yu. V., Fedotov V. V. GIS-based Assessment of the Assimilative Capacity of Rivers in Dnipropetrovsk Region. - C. 274-285.
  12. Kuzyshyn A. V., Poplavska I. V. Analysis of Territorial Differences of the Social Sphere elements in the Areas of the Carpathian-Podillia Region. - C. 286-293.
  13. Maksymova E., Kostrytska S. Geological and structural prerequisites of gas-bearing capacity and gas hydrate formation in the World Ocean (in terms of the Black Sea). - C. 294-304.
  14. Messai A., Idres A., Benselhoub A. Mineralogical characterization of limonitic iron ore from the Rouina mine, Ain Defla (Algeria). - C. 305-315.
  15. Narjess Karoui-Yaakoub, Moncef Said Mtimet, Semeh Bejaoui, Bienvenido Martínez- Navarro Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Pleistocene site of Oued Sarrat (Northwestern Tunisia) using mineralogical and geochemical data. - C. 316-322.
  16. Rusanova I., Onufriv Y., Ignatyuk A. Recreational skiing in the formation of local settlement systems of Prykarpattya region. - C. 323-331.
  17. Sadovenko I. O., Inkin O. V., Dereviahina N. I., Hriplivec Yu. V. Analyzing the parameters influencing the efficiency of undereground coal gasification. - C. 332-336.
  18. Shablii O. I., Zastavetska L. B., Dudarchuk K. D., Illiash I. D., Smochko N. M. The main problems of healthcare and wellness tourism in Ukraine. - C. 337-345.
  19. Sonko S., Kyselov Yu., Polovka S. On the modern conception of environment. - C. 346-356.
  20. Sopov D., Sopova N., Dankeyeva O., Chuhaiev S. Natural-historical and ecological analysis of land resources and land use in Lugansk region. - C. 357-367.
  21. Ulytsky О., Yermakov V. , Lunova О., Buglak O. Environmental risks and assessment of the hydrodynamic situation in the mines of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine. - C. 368-376.
  22. Yavorska V. V., Hevko I. V., Sych V. A., Kolomiyets K. V. Organization of tourist and recreational activity within the objects of the natural protected fund in the Odessa region. - C. 377-385.
  23. Yukhnovskyi V. Yu., Zibtseva O. V. Dynamics of ecological stability of small towns in Kyiv region. - C. 386-398.
  24. Zhukov O. V., Maslikova K. P. The dependence of the technosols models functional properties from the primary stratigraphy designs. - C. 399-407.
Vol. 27(2)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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