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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101496/2020/6(1)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Health, sport, rehabilitation
: scie. j. on phys. education, sports, rehabilitation and recreation.- Kharkiv
Zdorov’â, sport, reabìlìtacìâ

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Beziazychna О. V., Litovchenko V. О., Pustovoit B. A., Litovchenko A. V. Sequence of application and assessment of the means of physical rehabilitation of surgical patient after arthroscopic-controlled restoration of the anterior cruciate ligament. - C. 9-17.
  4. Korytko Z. I., Kopytko S. Yu., Sobolev M. Ya. The health status of the visual analyzer in university students and its correction by means of physical rehabilitation. - C. 18-25.
  5. Korobeynikov G. V., Mishko V. V., Korobeinikova L. G. Factor structure of manifestation of success in the formation of choreographic skills in young dancers. - C. 26-31.
  6. Lakhno O. G., Shyyan O. V., Shyyan V. M., Solohubova S. V., Sherman O. A. Use of elements of basketball as a means of psychomotor development of students. - C. 32-40.
  7. Musiyenko O. V., Mykhats L. V., Budynkevych S. N., Popovych S. I. Determination of the functional state of the body using nontraditional research methods when performing the static exercise: "Prone press ups, static top position" (Cobra). - C. 41-48.
  8. Tymruk-Skoropad K. A., Pavlova I. O., Sydoryk N. Y., Kulitka Y., Romaniuk V. The dynamics of the functional state of the cardio-respiratory system of patients hospitalized with pneumonia, exacerbation of COPD, and bronchial asthma. - C. 49-56.
  9. Fedorenko S. M., Balazh M. S., Vitomskyi V. V., Lazarіeva О. B., Vitomska M. V. Economic components of the morbidity and rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system as factors of the organization of the system of physical therapy at the ambulatory stage. - C. 57-65.
№ 6(1)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
Пам`ятка користувача

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