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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Law Journal of the National Academy of internal affairs
: sci. j..- Kyiv

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Tymoshenko V. I. Illegal Behaviour in the Modern World: Causes and Consequences. - C. 9-16.
  4. Tykhonova O. V. Implementation of the European Union Recommendations on Strengthening the Criminal Liability for Offences in the Provision of Payment Services. - C. 17-24.
  5. Komarynska Yu. B. The Ratio of the Victim's Identity and the Perpetrator's Identity in Criminal Offenses Related to Domestic Violence. - C. 25-32.
  6. Dudorov O. O., Kamensky D. V. Liability for White-Сollar Crimes in Ukraine: Theoretical and Enforcement Issues. - C. 33-40.
  7. Barash Ye. Y. Modern Means of Correction and Resocialization of Convicted Persons. - C. 41-47.
  8. Hribov M. L. The Covert Cooperation in the Mechanism of Ensuring Human Rights. - C. 48-58.
  9. Pomazanov A. V. Some Aspects of Declaring Legal Acts Unconstitutional. - C. 59-67.
  10. Seredyuk V. Yu. Interpretation of Euthanasia in Conditions of Conflict of Bioethical Principles. - C. 68-76.
  11. Motlyakh O. I., Shapovalov V. O. The Essence of Polygraph Test Formats and Requirements for Their Application. - C. 77-86.
  12. Peretyatko S. A., Samoilenko D. M. Typical Investigators of the Situation and Versions of the Priority Stage of Investigation of Illegal Manufacture, Processing or Repair of Firefighters. - C. 87-95.
Vol. 12
no. 1
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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