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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Харчова наука і технологія
: наук.-вироб. журн..- Одеса
Kharchova nauka i tekhnolohiya

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Нутріцієлогія, дієтологія, проблеми харчування / Nutriciology, dietology, problems of nutrition

  4. Kapreliants L., Zhuk O. Psychobiotics are probiotics that elevate mood. - C. 4-14.
  5. Peresichnyi M., Peresichna S., Sobko A., Tiurikova I. Scientific and methodological aspects of nucientific and methodological aspects of nutririon designe for schoolchildren. - C. 15-27.
  6. Біопроцеси, біотехнологія харчових продуктів, БАР / Biological processes, biotechnology of food products, BAS

  7. Benderska O., Bessarab А., Shutyuk V., Iegorov B., Kashkano M. Biological value of by-products of tomato processing. - C. 28-36.
  8. Gafurov K., Muslimov B. Fruit stones and seeds of grapes and cucurbits as a promising source of bioactive substances. Overview. - C. 37-44.
  9. Koval O., Oliynichuk S., Lysak T. The comparative study on two commercial strains of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae for ethanol production from hard-to-ferment sugar-containing raw materials. - C. 45-53.
  10. Kovalchuk S., Mudrak T. Effect of the concentration of dry matter in wort on the characteristics of osmophilic alcoholic races of yeast. - C. 54-62.
  11. Хімія харчових продуктів і матеріалів. Нові види сировини / Chemistry of food products and materials. New raw materials

  12. Oliinyk S., Tarasiuk L., Samchenko І., Kutz А., Dulka O. Purification of water-alcohol mixtures by means of modified natural materials. - C. 63-72.
  13. Poliakova I., Sinyaeva N., Lyakh V. Specific features of the trace element composition of the cultivated flax and some of its wild relatives. - C. 73-79.
  14. Stankevych G., Valentiuk N., Ovsiannykova L., Zhygunov D. Changes in quality of amaranth grain in the process of post-harvesting processing and storage. - C. 80-90.
  15. Sychevskyi M., Voitsekhivska L., Kopylova K., Verbytskyi S., Okhrimenko Yu. Criterial features of the structural characteristics of fine-textured poultry meat. - C. 91-100.
  16. Sadeghi A., Hakimzadeh V., Salehi E.A., Rashidi R. Investigation of the physicochemical, organoleptic and dietary properties of trout fermented sausages through probiotic strains and fat replacer. - C. 101-107.
  17. Ugnivenko A., Slobodyanyuk N., Shtonda О., Antoniuk T., Pylypchuk О., Karpovskyi V., Kruk О., Karpovskyi V. Influence of the features of weight gain, age and direction of breed productivity on the quality parameters of beef. - C. 108-116.
  18. Технологія і безпека продуктів харчування / Technology and safety of food products

  19. Golovko T., Golovko M., Pak O., Krykunenko L., Zherebkin М. Study of the dietary supplements trace elements penetration into crucian carp tissues in different ways of salting. - C. 117-124.
  20. Gunko S., Trynchuk S., Podpriatov H., Naumenko O., Yashchuk N., Voitsekhivskyi V. Changes of indexes quality of mushrooms depend on duration and storage conditions. - C. 125-135.
  21. Tsykhanovska I. , Yevlash V., Trishch R., Lazarieva T., Alexandrov A. Application of the food additive "Magnetofооd" in the technology of moulded marmelade jelly sweets. - C. 136-146.
Т. 15
Вип. 1
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