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Пошуковий запит: (<.>AT=Orlovskyy Simplified plugging material$<.>)
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Orlovskyy V. M. 
Simplified plugging material [Електронний ресурс] / V. M. Orlovskyy, V. М. Savyk, P. О. Molchanov, A. M. Pokhylko // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2018. - № 4. - С. 36-42. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2018_4_7
Purpose. To receive plugging material of lower density based on the mixture of viscous (Portland cement PCTI-100, PCTI-50) and relieving additive. To realize it, we used expanded perlite sand as relieving additive for viscous material. To prove that plugging material based on standard plugging Portland cement and expanded perlite sand has high technological properties and corresponds with current standards. Methodology. The research was performed with the usage of theoretical and experimental methods. Experimental studies were carried out using laboratorial equipment that models the pressure and the temperature of productive layer. Measuring the technological characteristics of plugging solution and formed stone was accomplished with the usage of standard registering equipment. The density of plugging mixture was scaled with the pycnometer, water and mixture ratio of solutions was chosen with the usage of the dehiscence cone DC-1; water separation of plugging material was measured according to the standard methodology (DSTU BV.2.7-86-99 being still legal), the time of setting time of plugging solution was defined with the consistometer KS-3, for researching of adhesion there was used the laboratorial press PSU-10 with hydraulic drive and special console, defining the extreme parameters of stone tightness while bending was carried on according to DSTU BV.2.7-86-99 on special equipment for testing the line objects to stretch while bending and pressing using the press PSU-10. The number of carried out experiments is enough to obtain results with confiding probability of 0,95. Findings. Relieving mixture based on plugging Portland cement PCTI-100 (PCTI-50) with the relieving additive was developed and studied. The minimal density of plugging solution based on offered material is 1160-1190 kg/m<^>3 while following other characteristics of plugging solution and stone according to the legal standards. Originality. Effective recipes of plugging solution of lower density based on standard plugging Portland cement and relieving additive - expanded perlite sand - were developed and chosen. Practical value. Development of the recipes of plugging solutions is perspective while cementing the wells, which have been drilled for oil and gas, especially in complicated mining and geological conditions of geological-prospecting areas and exploiting the hydrocarbon deposits. "Recommendations as for the usage of easy (simplified) plugging materials for wells cementing" were formulated, which have been accepted to use in the system of the State geological service of Ukraine.
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