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Праці Одеського політехнічного університету
: наук. та наук.-вироб. зб..- Одеса
Trudy Odesskogo politehničeskogo universiteta

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Kurennov S., Barakhov K., Dvoretskaya D. Axisymmetric stressed state of the adhesive joint of two cylindrical shells under axial tension. - C. 5-13.
  4. Berezin L. Calculation of small-sized cylindrical coil springs on fatigue strength in probabilistic formulation. - C. 14-21.
  5. Solodei I., Zatyliuk Gh. Implementation of the linear elastic structure half-space in the Plaxis in the study of settlements. - C. 22-28.
  6. Koshel S., Koshel G. Structural analysis of the mechanism with a third-class structure group of the fourth order. - C. 29-33.
  7. Vabishchevich M., Stryhun R. Simulation of the process of shrinkage of the conical workpiece of the steam turbine rotor by the semi analytical finite element method. - C. 34-40.
  8. Tkach P., Nosko P., Bashta O., Tsybrii Yu., Revyakina O., Boyko G. Comparison of sinusoidal and involute spur gears by meshing characteristics. - C. 41-51.
  9. Rudenko O., Voyevodin V., Gozhenko S., Mischenko P. Conducting local cutout from the surface of the VVER-1000 reactor vessel. - C. 52-64.
  10. Shvets O. Organization of cooling pond operation for ensuring the safe operation of the energy object. - C. 65-72.
  11. Komarov Yu., Arvaninov A., Smychok A. Improvement of the algorithm for the calculation of the average weighted thermal power of the VVER-1000 core and the estimation of its error. - C. 73-83.
  12. Skalozubov V., Alali M., Bilous N., Gablaya T., Kochneva V., Pirkovsky D., Chulkin O. Water hammers into pipeline systems because of oscillatory instability. - C. 84-89.
  13. Solonenko L., Repyakh S., Prokopovich I., Sukhoi K., Dmytrenko D. System analysis of modern areas of increasing environmental and sanitary hygienic safety of using cold hardening mixtures in foundry. - C. 90-98.
Вип. 1 (57)

Праці Одеського політехнічного університету
: наук. та наук.-вироб. зб..- Одеса
Trudy Odesskogo politehničeskogo universiteta

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Sidorenko І., Kravtsov E., Prokopovych I., Korolkova M., Dmіtrієva S. Decreased reliability of equipment as a result of lower production culture. - C. 5-13.
  4. Maslo O., Bulah P., Chyzhyk G., Shyrokov A., Byalonovich A. Principles of representative thermohydraulical scenarios choosing used for strength simulation of NPP units. - C. 14-18.
  5. Skalozubov V., Spinov V., Spinov D., Gablaya T., Kochnyeva V., Skalozubov K. Qualification of the afterheat removal passive system from the reactor to manage blackout accidents. - C. 19-24.
  6. Filonov V., Dubyk Y., Lukianenko K. Estimation of MCP-195M elements stress-strain state at the initialdinamics of shaft jamming/MPA transient process. - C. 25-37.
  7. Bondarchuk A., Nechiporuk E. Analysis of the impact of global climate warming on electric consumption of multiflat houses in the Odessa city. - C. 38-43.
  8. Skalozubov V., Spinov V., Spinov D., Gablaya Т., Kochnyeva V., Komarov Yu. Substantiation of strategies for the management of blackout accident at Nuclear Power Plants with WWER-type reactors. - C. 44-51.
  9. Butenko О., Karamushko A., Podufala T. The coefficient of efficiency of a complex hydraulic circuit. - C. 52-58.
  10. Chulkin O., Kravchenko V., Zotyeyev V., Zotyeyev O. Structure and stability of solid solutions crystal lattice based on zirconium dioxide. - C. 59-63.
  11. Pavlyshyn P. Damage to power valves and their input control. - C. 64-67.
  12. Makarenko V., Lukashev O. Analysis of the influence of the power factor corrector on the level of electromagnetic interference of AC/DC converters. - C. 68-79.
  13. Blintsov V., Maidaniuk P. Classification of projects for the protection of marine critical infrastructure facilities. - C. 80-89.
  14. Lyalin V., Drevnitskaya Y. Purification of fuelfractions of petroleum products fromsulflr compounds. - C. 90-95.
Вип. 3 (59)

Праці Одеського політехнічного університету
: наук. та наук.-вироб. зб..- Одеса
Trudy Odesskogo politehničeskogo universiteta

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Fürstenzeller A., Tóth F., Kadnár M., Rusnák J., Bošanský M., Mráz M. Comparison of tribological properties of HCR gears coated by PVD coating TiAlN+DLC in bio-frendly and conventional lubrication environments. - C. 5-14.
  4. Petrov L., Borisenko T. Application of elements of the theory of unaccounted Coriolis forces in the process of rolling a wheeled propeller. - C. 15-20.
  5. Brunetkin O., Maksymov M. Development of a model of processes for the thermal processing of organic substances of variable composition. - C. 21-32.
  6. Borysenko V., Goranchuk V., Nosovskyi A. Diagnostics of in-core neutron monitoring system based on artificial neural network. - C. 33-44.
  7. Kovalchuk V., Kozlov I., Dorozh O., Usova T. Special features of operating the high temperature filter of the NWT-1. - C. 45-50.
  8. Butenko O., Demidenko V., Brunetkin O. The method of determining the composition of hydrocarbon fuel by the ratio of fuel and air consumption and temperature of combustion products. - C. 51-59.
  9. Skalozubov V., Spinov V., Pirkovskiy D., Gablaya T., Rafalskyi R. Qualification of the pressure compensator system for the management of accidents with complete loss of long power supply from VVER power plant. - C. 60-68.
  10. Skrynnyk I., Dmitrishin D., Stokolos A., Iacob I. E. Computational aspects of large-length cycle search algorithms for nonlinear discrete systems. - C. 69-84.
  11. Sinko I., Sydorenko I., Pavlychko A., Ishaeva M. Acoustic materials database processing in the CAD system by the Hopcroft-Carp algorithm for comparison of bipartite graphs. - C. 85-90.
  12. Tigarev V., Saliy V., Lopakov A., Goncharenko A. Designing of engineering objects using the information model. - C. 91-96.
Вип. 2 (58)
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