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Economic annals-XXI
: наук. журн..- Київ

  1. Title, contents.
  2. Pyrih I., Bidniak H., Pletenets V. Armed conflicts in the economic, social and legal context of the present: causes, regularities and contradictions. - C. 4-9.
  3. Tretiak O., Negodchenko V., Toryanyk V., Cap A. Economic policy-makers and economic experts in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe: ways of interaction. - C. 10-17.
  4. Almási B. Z., Zéman Z. Macroeconomic growth in business valuation. - C. 18-23.
  5. Storonyanska I., Hrynchyshyn I., Dub A., Horga I. Fiscal decentralization in Europe in the context of social protection development. - C. 24-28.
  6. Dziubanovska N. Multifactor models for studying the EU countries’ international trade. - C. 29-34.
  7. Romanova A. Tourists from Canada as priority customers of the Ukrainian tourism product. - C. 35-39.
  8. Hamulczuk M., Makarchuk O., Galchynska J. Linkage of grain prices in Ukraine with the world crude oil prices. - C. 40-44.
  9. Seheda S., Datsenko G., Otkalenko O., Musil P. The agrarian food consumption in Ukraine and its association with socio-demographic indicators of human development. - C. 45-52.
  10. Zveryakov M., Kovalenko V., Sheludko S., Sharah E. FinTech sector and banking business: competition or symbiosis?. - C. 53-57.
  11. Krasnokutska N., Kruhlova O., Kozub V., Martíšková P. Transparency of the enterprise: from theory to practice of evaluation (on the example of retail networks). - C. 58-62.
  12. Slaba M. Consumer behaviour regarding branded and non-branded goods on the mobile phone market: impact of experience, price and loyalty. - C. 63-67.
  13. Boiko V., Kwilinski A., Misiuk M., Boiko L. Competitive advantages of wholesale markets of agricultural products as a type of entrepreneurial activity: the experience of Ukraine and Poland. - C. 68-72.
№ 175 (1-2)

Economic annals-XXI
: наук. журн..- Київ

  1. Title, contents.
  2. Ishchenko I., Bashkeieva O., Petrov P. Empirical model of congruence of mental space as a tool for the analysis of changes in international relations. - C. 4-12.
  3. Popova N., Kataiev A., Skrynkovskyy R., Nevertii A. Development of trust marketing in the digital society. - C. 13-25.
  4. Shkarlet S., Dubyna M., Vovk V., Noga M. Financial service markets of Eastern Europe: a compositional model. - C. 26-37.
  5. Lentner Cs., Vasa L., Kolozsi P. P., Zéman Z. New dimensions of internal controls in banking after the GFC. - C. 38-48.
  6. Vozniuk A., Tytko A. Cryptocurrency: present-day challenges and prospects of development. - C. 49-55.
  7. Tleppayev A. Digitalisation and energy: world experience and evidence of correlation from Kazakhstan. - C. 56-64.
  8. Voloshyna S., Provolotska O., Lazaryshyna I., Nieizviestna O., Skliar N. Analytical assessment of the jewellery market in Ukraine. - C. 65-79.
  9. Popov A., Koshkalda I., Kniaz O., Trehub O. Land fragmentation of agricultural enterprises in the context of administration of land. - C. 80-90.
  10. Berková K., Krpálek P., Krpálková Krelová K. Future economic professionals: development of practical skills and competencies in higher education from the point of view of international employers. - C. 91-98.
  11. Derenska Ya. Approaches to project portfolio formation by pharmaceutical products producers. - C. 99-108.
  12. Slaba M. Factors influencing customer loyalty towards mobile phones brands - evidence from the Czech market. - C. 109-117.
  13. Grosu V., Anisie L., Hrubliak O., Ratsa A. Managerial accounting solutions: Lean Six Sigma application in the woodworking industry. A Practical aspect. - C. 118-130.
№ 176 (3-4)

Economic annals-XXI
: наук. журн..- Київ

  1. Title,contents.
  2. Ryazanova N. Energy-information concept of value. - C. 4-21.
  3. Boniak V., Minka T., Мysliva O. Origins of the institution of corruption in post-socialist states: economic, legal and institutional aspects. - C. 22-33.
  4. Lehka O., Myroniuk R., Myroniuk S., Lukács E. Terrorism with a "woman’s appearance": economic background and legal tools for forming a counteracting strategy. - C. 34-43.
  5. Tikhonova A., Telegina Zh., Babanskaya A., Grudneva A. Evaluation of the optimal ratio for consumption and income taxes with the use of econometric methods. - C. 44-52.
  6. Anh T. Ch., Thu Th. N., Thi Th. T., Thanh N. Ch., Hanh H. Th. The effects of world crude oil price on the real effective exchange rate: empirical evidences from Vietnam. - C. 53-69.
  7. Steshenko Ju., Artemyev A., Myktybaev T., Khavanova I., Masterov A., Ponomareva M. Assessment of the impact of socio-economic factors on productivity increase. - C. 70-81.
  8. Kovalenko V., Kuznetsova L., Sergeeva E., Todorova N., Mylashko O., Tej Ju. Cluster approach to banking supervision with reference to bank risk profile. - C. 82-91.
  9. Taubayev A., Kamenova A., Legostayeva A., Srailova G., Ayazhanov K. Innovative entrepreneurship development: main problems and educational limitations in Kazakhstan. - C. 92-100.
  10. Sikhimbayev M., Shugаiроvа Zh., Orynbassarova Ye., Dzhazykbaeva B. Readiness for changes among managers of mining and metallurgy industry: a case of Kazakhstan. - C. 101-113.
  11. Grebennyk N., Navrozova Yu., Danchenko O., Jakubek P. Methodical approaches to the management of the crewing company efficiency. - C. 114-125.
  12. Medvid V., Pylypenko V., Pylypenko N., Ustik T., Volchenko N., Vashchenko M. Factors of rural development in the context of decentralisation: empirical research. - C. 126-140.
№ 177 (5-6)

Economic annals-XXI
: наук. журн..- Київ

  1. Title, contents.
  2. Tishchenkova S., Cherniak N., Chaplynska Yu., Soldatenko O. Transformation of the nature of terrorism in the conditions of glocal social space: political, legal, economic and communication aspects. - C. 4-16.
  3. Malyniak B., Martyniuk O., Kyrylenko O. Corruption and efficiency of public spending in states with various public management types. - C. 17-27.
  4. Edoun E. I., Bakam Fotso G. The implication of ICT in assessing the relationship between the current account balance and the economic growth in South Africa. - C. 28-45.
  5. Koliesnichenko A., Yuryeva I. Restructuring of the electricity market in view of transformation and pricing challenges. - C. 46-56.
  6. Kovtunets V., Londar S. Evaluation of higher education services cost. - C. 57-69.
  7. Nekrasenko L., Pittman R., Doroshenko O., Chumak V., Doroshenko A. Grain logistics in Ukraine: the main challenges and effective ways to reach sustainability. - C. 70-83.
  8. Budnyk V., Lernichenko K. Urban passenger water transport: operating within public-private partnership (international research and case study). - C. 84-95.
  9. Ayaganova M., Pritvorova T., Mamrayeva D., Tashenova L. Social entrepreneurship: business models and strategies for their development. - C. 96-104.
  10. Litvishko O., Veynberg R., Ziyadin S., Sousa R. M. D., Rakhimova G. Professional sports: strategic approaches to investment attractiveness formation. - C. 105-113.
  11. Nor S. M., Zawawi N. H. M. Does technical analysis work in the Russian market? Insights from MICEX (MOEX Russia) Index component stocks. - C. 114-122.
  12. Shyian D., Sakhno I., Kramarenko K. Impact of expectations on grain futures price formation. - C. 123-133.
  13. Ngo Chi T., Le Hoang Ba H., Hoang Thanh H., Le Quang H., Le Van C. Linkages in modern distribution channels formation: the study of factors affecting mountainous agricultural products consumption in Vietnam. - C. 134-147.
  14. Gribanova S., Abeltina A. Job satisfaction of IT employees in Latvia: expectations and reality. - C. 148-157.
№ 178 (7-8)
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