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Plant and soil science
: наук. журн..- Київ

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Kalenska S., Kashtanova O., Kalenskyi V., Hovenko R., Antal T. Economic and energy efficiency of technologies for growing maize hybrids depending on the type and methods of applying fertilisers. - C. 7-16.
  4. Komar O., Bobos I., Fedosiy I. Adaptive potential of fenugreek species at different sowing times. - C. 17-26.
  5. Datsko A., Kvasnitska L., Litvinova O. Effectiveness of soybean inoculation with nodule bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. - C. 27-34.
  6. Mukha T., Murashko L., Humenyuk O., Suddenko Yu., Novytska N., Martynov O. Creation of highly productive forms of winter wheat with complex resistance against diseases and pests on artificial infectious backgrounds of their causative agents. - C. 35-43.
  7. Pikovskyi M., Solomiichuk M. Identification of mycobiota and diagnosis of soybean seed diseases. - C. 44-50.
  8. Tereshchenko N., Kovshun L., Bobunov O. A hybrid technique for measuring the content of xenobiotics in wild and cultivated blueberries. - C. 51-59.
  9. Khomenko T., Tonkha O., Pikovska O., Achasov A. The influence of biological preparations on the microbiological activity of sod-podzolic soil for the cultivation of food potatoes. - C. 60-66.
  10. Yunyk А., Harbar L. Efficiency of use of macronutrients by spring rapeseed plants. - C. 67-73.
Vol. 13
№ 1

Plant and soil science
: наук. журн..- Київ

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Derevianko O., Maherramzade N., Derevianko S. Evaluation of the biological effect of Zn nanocarboxylates and MoS2 nanoparticles on corn sprouts (Zea mays L.). - C. 7-13.
  4. Kalenska S. Food security and innovative solutions in crop production. - C. 14-26.
  5. Tanchyk S., Pavlov O., Babenko A. Control of weeds in spring barley crops at different times of herbicide application. - C. 27-34.
  6. Tkach O., Ovcharuk V., Ovcharuk O., Mazurenko B., Niemiec M. Chemical composition of chicory root ash (Cichorium intybus L.)depending on the yield level. - C. 35-44.
  7. Semenko L., Veremeienko S., Yushchenko N., Shatkovskyi A. Combination of effective use of irrigation and mineral nutritionfor growing table potatoes. - C. 45-51.
  8. Shemetun K., Balaev A., Tonkha O., Pikovska O. Microbiological assessment of sod-medium podzolic soil using various elements of biologisation. - C. 52-58.
Vol. 13
№ 2

Plant and soil science
: наук. журн..- Київ

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Hospodarenko H., Liubych V., Novikov V., Leshchenko I., Oliinyk O. Yield and quality of rolled cereal from spelt wheat grain depending on the duration of irradiation with an ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic field. - C. 7-17.
  4. Hunchak M., Solomiichuk M., Pikovska O. Dynamics of soil fertility indicators of Chernivtsi region. - C. 18-26.
  5. Ivanova I., Serdiuk M., Tymoshchuk T., Havryliuk O., Tonkha V. Dynamics of the average fruit weight and the ratio of kernels to pulp in cherry fruits grown in the Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine. - C. 27-37.
  6. Mazurenko B., Honchar L., Harbar L., Yunyk А. Formation of castor productivity depending on the width of row spacing and density of standing. - C. 38-48.
  7. Petrychenko V., Korniichuk O., Buhaiov V., Horenskyi V., Veklenko Yu. Influence of hydrothermal factors on feed and seed productivity of alfalfa in conditions of the Right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. - C. 49-59.
  8. Shatkovskyi A., Hulenko O., Kalilei V. Yield and energy assessment of chickpea and sunflower cultivation depending on the design of microirrigation systems. - C. 60-67.
Vol. 13
№ 3

Plant and soil science
: наук. журн..- Київ

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Bobos I., Komar O., Fedosiy I. Assessment of growth and development of cowpea varieties based on phenological and morphological observations. - C. 7-16.
  4. Kuts O., Kokoiko V., Paramonova T., Mykhailyn V., Syromiatnykov Yu. Influence of the fertiliser system on the soil nutrient regime and onion productivity. - C. 17-26.
  5. Likhanov A., Klyachenko O., Yunyk А., Kalenska S. Identification of chlorogenic acid in cotyledonous leaves and husks of common sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). - C. 27-34.
  6. Murashko L., Mukha T., Humenyuk O., Kіrіlenko V., Novytska N. The level of intensity of soft winter wheat varieties infection by Fusarium link pathogens and their identification on grain. - C. 35-45.
  7. Prysiazhniuk O., Storozhyk L., Humentyk M., Sviridov A., Svyrydova L. Optimal time of plant growth regulator application to Sorghum canopy according to BBCH and Kuperman crop growth scales. - C. 46-56.
  8. Shevchuk L., Vintskovska Yu., Babenko S., Mazur B., Havryliuk O. Nutritional components of fresh and frozen fruits of highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.). - C. 57-67.
Vol. 13
№ 4
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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