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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж100372/2019$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Карпатські математичні публікації
: наук. журн..- Івано-Франківськ

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Ansari A. H., Binbasioglu D., Turkoglu D. Coupled coincidence point results for contraction of C-class mappings in ordered uniform spaces. - C. 3-13.
  4. Bandura A. I. Some weaker sufficient conditions of L-index boundedness in direction for functions analytic in the unit ball. - C. 14-25.
  5. Zabolotskyj M. V., Basiuk Yu. V. Asymptotics of the entire functions with υ-density of zeros along the logarithmic spirals. - C. 26-32.
  6. Bilanyk I., Bodnar D. I., Buyak L. Representation of a quotient of solutions of a four-term linear recurrence relation in the form of a branched continued fraction. - C. 33-41.
  7. Chernega I. V., Zagorodnyuk A. V. Note on bases in algebras of analytic functions on Banach spaces. - C. 42-47.
  8. Dmytryshyn M. I., Lopushansky O. V. Spectral approximations of strongly degenerate elliptic differential operators. - C. 48-53.
  9. Dmytryshyn R. I. On some of convergence domains of multidimensional S-fractions with independent variables. - C. 54-58.
  10. Ghosh A. Ricci soliton and Ricci almost soliton within the framework of Kenmotsu manifold. - C. 59-69.
  11. Kachanovsky N. A., Kachanovska T. Interconnection between Wick multiplication and integration on spaces of nonregular generalized functions in the Levy white noise analysis. - C. 70-88.
  12. Kravtsiv V. V. Algebraic basis of the algebra of block-symmetric polynomials on ℓ1 ⊕ ℓ∞. - C. 89-95.
  13. Lishchynsky I. I. The relationship between algebraic equations and (n, m)-forms, their degrees and recurrent fractions. - C. 96-106.
  14. Lopushansky A. O., Lopushanska H. P. Inverse problem for 2b-order differential equation with a time-fractional derivative. - C. 107-118.
  15. Noor M. A., Noor K. I., Iftikhar S. Some inequalities for strongly (p, h)-harmonic convex functions. - C. 119-135.
  16. Omidi S., Davvaz B., Hila K. Characterizations of regular and intra-regular ordered Г-semihypergroups in terms of bi-Г-hyperideals. - C. 136-151.
  17. Özarslan H. S. On a new application of quasi power increasing sequences. - C. 152-157.
  18. Pryimak H. M. On approximation of homomorphisms of algebras of entire functions on Banach spaces. - C. 158-162.
  19. Quan L. T., Van An T. On the solutions of a class of nonlinear integral equations in cone $b$-metric spaces over Banach algebras. - C. 163-178.
  20. Sokhatsky F. M., Tarasevych A. V. Classification of generalized ternary quadratic quasigroup functional equations of the length three. - C. 179-192.
  21. Turchyna N. I., Ivasyshen S. D. On integral representation of the solutions of a model 2b→-parabolic boundary value problem. - C. 193-203.
  22. Лопушанському Олегу Васильовичу — 70 рокiв (привітання). - C. 204-205.
  23. Кириченко Володимир Васильович. 17.06.1942 — 02.04.2019 (некролог). - C. 206-207.
  24. Березанський Юрій Макарович. 08.05.1925 — 07.06.2019 (некролог). - C. 208-210.
Т. 11
№ 1
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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