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Пошуковий запит: (<.>AT=Khomenko Principles of rock pressure$<.>)
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Khomenko O. Ye. 
Principles of rock pressure energy usage during underground mining of deposits [Електронний ресурс] / O. Ye. Khomenko, А. К. Sudakov, Z. R. Malanchuk, Ye. Z. Malanchuk // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2017. - № 2. - С. 34-43. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2017_2_7
Purpose. To substantiate principles of rock pressure usage during underground mining of deposits. Methodology. Zonal structuring indices of massif around mine workings were established with help of industrial, laboratory and theoretical research of stress-strain state of rock massif. Research on entropy influence on energy exchange and deformations developments in undisturbed rock massif is conducted by means of the entropy method. Research on preventive capsule formation processes around mine workings and forms of energy transition into work of rock deformation is executed with help of the energy method. Development of geo-energy approaches for the choice of development workings pathways and calculation of their bolting parameters as well as substantiation of parameters of conducting stoping operations in energy zones of preventive capsules is executed according to the estimation of geo-energy technology effectiveness and realization of industrial implementation during underground mining of deposits. Findings. Physical essence of zonal capsulation phenomenon of mine workings is revealed. Geo-energy principles of rock pressure energy usage are substantaited. Resource-saving technologies of mining of mineral depositis are created and implemented into production. Originality. The paper deals with systematization of the picture of phenomena, capsulation processes and regularities by massif of mine workings with determination of shape, sizes, quantity of energy zones, sinusoidal-damping stresses and ring modules of deformation by means of complex account of geo-energy factors that allow using energy of rock pressure in underground mining technologies systematically. Practical value. The energy prediction theory of zonal capsulation parameters research of mine workings is developed which allows studying shapes, sizes, quantity and conditions of formation of energy zones and borders of possible destruction of the massif. Power dependences are established as to changing the sizes of adjacent power zones whose ratio is a constant from the sizes and shape, depth of laying and physical properties of massif containing mine working. The thermodynamic theory of massif that is not disturbed by workings is improved by means of considering the processes of geo-energy streams redistribution and entropy exchanging with allocation into undisturbed massif in a separate entropy method of research. Further development of the sinusoidal-fading dependence of auto-wave fluctuations of stresses in massif that broken by mine workings from gradients of density, temperature, gas-and water saturations of rocks is given.
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