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Когут П. И. <$E bold G sup *>-сходимость нелинейных операторов в теории усреднения управляемых объектов. — 2005 // Кибернетика и систем. анализ.

Hardtke J.-D. A remark on condensation of singularities // Журн. мат. физики, анализа, геометрии. - 2013. - 9, № 4.

Prykarpatsky A. K. An infinite-dimensional Borsuk - Ulam type generalization of the Leray - Schauder fixed point theorem and some applications. — 2008 // Укр. мат. журн.

Bekker M. B. An operator approach to extremal problems on Hardy and Bergman spaces // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 2.

Khrabustovskyi V. Analogs of generalized resolvents for relations generated by a pair of differential operator expressions one of which depends on spectral parameter in nonlinear manner // Журн. мат. физики, анализа, геометрии. - 2013. - 9, № 4.

Bushev D. M. Analyticity and other properties of functionals I(f, p) = intA|f(t)|pdt and n(f, p) = (1 over mu(A) intA|f(t)|pdt)1 over p as functions of variable p // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2019. - 25, № 4.

Dang Dinh Chau Asymptotical equivalence of triangular differential equation in Hilbert spaces. — 2004 // Укр. мат. журн.

Tarasenko G. Conditions of invertibility for functional operators with shift in weighted Holder spaces // Укр. мат. журн.. - 2015. - 67, № 11.

Nguyen Buong Convergence rates in regularization for the case of monotone perturbations. — 2000 // Укр. мат. журн.

Gerasimenko V. I. Evolution of correlation operators of large particle quantum systems // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2017. - 23, № 2.

Lustyk M.  Lie-algebraic discrete approximation for nonlinear evolution equations. — 1999 // Мат. методи та фіз.-мех. поля.

Filipkovska M. S. Maxwell - Bloch equations without spectral broadening: gauge equivalence, transformation operators and matrix Riemann - Hilbert problems // Журн. мат. физики, анализа, геометрии. - 2017. - 13, № 2.

Nguyen Buong Newton - Kantorovich iterative regularization for nonlinear ill-posed equations involving accretive operators. — 2005 // Укр. мат. журн.

Ahmed M A El-Sayed On set-valued functional integral equations of Hammerstein - Stieltjes type: existence of solutions, continuous dependence, and applications // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 2.

Kuzhel S. A. On the direct and inverse problems in scattering theory for a class of second-order operator-differential equations // Доп. НАН України. - 1999. - № 3.

Caraballo T. On the existence, uniqueness, and exponential stability for nonlinear partial functional differential equations // Доп. НАН України. - 2001. - № 10.

Goloshchapova N. On the multi-dimensional Schrodinger operators with point interactions // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2011. - 17, № 2.

Bouziani A.  On the solvability of a class of parabolic equations with weighted integral conditions. — 2002 // Электрон. моделирование.

Los V. N. Sobolev's problem // Доп. НАН України. - 1998. - № 9.

Los V. N. Sobolev's problem with parameter // Доп. НАН України. - 1998. - № 10.
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